How long is your MA classes?

still learning

Senior Master
Nov 8, 2004
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Hello, Do you wish you had longer hours and more days for training?

In my son's wrestling and Judo training classes, they go 5 days a week, two and half hours long. Plus Saturday tournments when it starts.(for High School).

Our Kempo class is only Monday and Wednesday (1 1/2 hour long per). A lot of us would like longer classes and one more day. (peewees up to 13,1 hour only)before the adult classes.

What is yours like? .........Aloha
When I used to go with my teens, they would go evenings- hr. M-W-F, 3 times a week. Our classes are one hour long.

I used to go 7-8 classes a week at my peak training. Availability of classes: Mon, noon and eve., Tues. eve., Wed, noon and eve, Thurs. eve, Fri. noon and eve. Sat. kids class am. Also could drive 20 min. to three other towns and attend their classes. But I teach/lead kickboxing four times a week now and that and two TKD classes are enough for me now. TW
Currently I teach two 1 hour classes a week. I'd rather it be 1 1/2 hours 3 days a week. But I'll take what I can get. At the school I started w/ in high school, classes were 1 1/2 hour long 3 nights a week. It was a fulltime school tho.
at my studio, classes run 1 hour. there are 55 classes running each week (2 every hour from 3pm to 8 pm, plus daytime and weekend), with between 10 and 15 appropriate for any given skill level. students can come as often as they can stand, with most averaging 2-3 classes per week. die hards come for 1 or 2 a day, with a couple showing up after work and 'camping out' for the night.
The class I teach is 1 1/2 hours, 2 times a week. My instructor teaches two classes, both 1 1/2 hours long, 2 times a week; one is for credit students (students taking the class for PE credit at the community college where his class is located) and one open to anyone from the community. Students from the credit class can attend the community class; also, his classes are on Monday and Wednesday, and mine are on Monday and Thursday - so on Wednesday some of my students go to his class, and on Thursday, some of his students come to my class - anyone can go to either class, as long as they are a member in good standing of one them.
my school is 2 hours and 15 min long but I only run classes on Tues and Thurs my Instructors school is also 2 hours and 15 min long but he has class 5 days a week
Our karate classes are 1hr30min for adults and 1hr for kids.
The Ju jutsu school I train with have classes typical 1hr15min and a few special ones 1hr. Most of the time we do a bit of stretching by our selves after JJ.

At many places you have the option of taking two classes in a row btw.
My instructor in Pennsylvania runs three-2 hour classes a week (Tue, Thu, Sat).

My school in Tennessee has 1 hour classes twice a week for each belt level, but turns out to be 3 classes on Mon thru Fri and 5 classes on saturdays.

Here in Iraq I teach four 90 minute classes a week (Mon, Wed, Thur and Sat) . Would prefer to make it two hours, but the MWR center I teach in has other things scheduled.
Our chidern classes our 45 minutes 6 days a week and our fight team and adults can train for 6 days a week foe 1.5 to 2.5 hours each day.
I prefore all my student to get atleast 4-5 days a week.
All of the classes we teach are an hour long. The only exceptions to this are when dealing with teaching classes specifically for children, which are 45 minutes long, and for the competition team, which can last up to two hours.

We shorten the classes for the children simply because the attention span of your average child isn't quite as long as the average adult's, although those that are advanced enough end up training with the classes geared for everyone (both children and adults).
For now, I run 2 - 45 min classes 3 nights a week, now that I am unemployed I may be adding to that.
When I had classes, they were around 3 hours total. However, part of that was basically stamina training as a group, practicing basic forms and such, until our teacher arrived. He would come about 1 hour into the session, then start teaching us, and we'd learn and practice for the remaining 2 hours. We usually had classes twice a week, with an additional third session just for the students to practice.
Sunday, 1 and 1/2 hours, Tuesday 1 hour, Wed is 1 hour 15 minutes and the Saturday class is go to is anywhere from 1 and 1/2 to 3 hours. Ocassionally sneak in a Thrusday class at about 1 and 1/2 hours as well.
In our Aikido dojo:
Morning and junior class are 1 hour long rest are 1,5 - 2h.
Morning classes 3 times/week, juniors 2 times/Week and rest once a day + once per month one 1 hour session to instructors.

Usually in all martial arts I have been classes are 1,5 hour.

edit. typo
Kids classes run about 50 minutes, while adult classes run about 1:10-15 minutes. I can't train daily, myself. At 47, my body needs the day in between to recoup, otherwise I'm useless. I would prefer to have classes extended to 2 hours though. Once I'm warmed up, I'm good to go. I go Mon, Wed, Fri for TKD with Kumdo on Tuesday. The use of the different muscles and movements doesn't seem to have a negative effect on my TKD.
terryl965 said:
Our chidern classes our 45 minutes 6 days a week and our fight team and adults can train for 6 days a week foe 1.5 to 2.5 hours each day.
I prefore all my student to get atleast 4-5 days a week.

How do adults with jobs and families make enough time to train 5 days a week? They'd have to have no life outside of MA.

I train 1 1/2 hours twice a week. Once in a while a weekend class.

Honestly thats about all I have time for. Between work and family and other activities, any more than that would be hard to make time for. It is pretty much the same for the others in my class, teacher included. We are not a full time school though, more of a training group. My teacher works a regular job full time, besides his teaching MA classes.

I could handle longer classes, but 4-5 times a week would be out of the question.

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