How high can instructors promote their students?


Crazy like a...
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Jan 16, 2006
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Out of sheer curiosity...if an instructor is...say...a 6th degree BB, to what rank can s/he promote his/her students?
I think the custom is two belts below themselves; so a 6th could promote to a 4th.
Thanks Michael! :asian:

Do you know how the tradition came about?

I can see Asian traditions being vertical enough to not traditionally allowing a promotion to the same rank...but why two belts below instead of, say, one belt below?

Just curious...
It's the same in my TKD association - a BB can promote up to 2 ranks below their current rank. As far as I know, the rationale is that the rank below yours is too close to provide a clear understanding of the differences between ranks, and the finer points of demonstrating that you are the next rank.
I believe these customs are more common among those who belong to a larger parent organization, with one whom they accept as a grandmaster. Among those who are more independent minded, and who do not belong to a larger organization, you would typically find more lax attitudes towards this.
Ahh! another follow up to that.

I read someplace that the rank of "Intstructor" is given, traditionally, to a 3rd degree bb. Is this one of the reasons why...since a third dergree would be the de minimus rank required to award a black belt?

Once my curiosity is piqued...I tend to ask a lot of questions ;)
Carol Kaur said:
Ahh! another follow up to that.

I read someplace that the rank of "Intstructor" is given, traditionally, to a 3rd degree bb. Is this one of the reasons why...since a third dergree would be the de minimus rank required to award a black belt?

Once my curiosity is piqued...I tend to ask a lot of questions ;)

My First Degree certificate states that I can teach and award rank. Period. No special considerations attached. But then again, I and my instructors do not belong to any larger organization. I guess we have always just done things our own way and not worried much about what others might think about it.
michaeledward said:
I think the custom is two belts below themselves; so a 6th could promote to a 4th.

Some say you can promote to two belts below yourself, then again some say you can promote to one rank below yourself, but at some point you can promote to your rank. If you could only promote, no matter what your rank, to two grades below yourself then how does anyone get to 9th or 10th.

I might be mistaken but I think at the level of 7th or 8th you can start promoting to your grade.
You can promote to any rank you wish, the question is will anyone take that rank seriously. My instructor wears a Bar on his belt but generally tests first black and above only when his instructor (Mr. Wedlake) is present. This means that we get the honor of being tested in front of Mr. Wedlake and my instructor in effect gets tested by our demonstration of what he has taught us.

I think the tradition in Kenpo is not to promote your students to more than 2 ranks below the rank to which you have promoted yourself.

So the answer is 8th Degree Black Belt.
What Ive seen on some styles (yes 2 belts bellow founders rank.)Yet if they have a board of suporting members some one can be made Grandmaster! In the shaolin -kepmo line.(7th dan Master Proffesor).In the days of James Mitose,I herd it from Anton Kruckey that it could take a life time to get a black.He didnt understand how a small child could have such rank that took so long.
Old Fat Kenpoka said:
I think the tradition in Kenpo is not to promote your students to more than 2 ranks below the rank to which you have promoted yourself.

So the answer is 8th Degree Black Belt.
Old Fat Kenpoka said:
I think the tradition in Kenpo is not to promote your students to more than 2 ranks below the rank to which you have promoted yourself.

So the answer is 8th Degree Black Belt.

Old Fat Kenpoka said:
I think the tradition in Kenpo is not to promote your students to more than 2 ranks below the rank to which you have promoted yourself.

So the answer is 8th Degree Black Belt.

So in all the wisdom of an Old Fat Kenpoka,

Does this mean I can promote myself to 9th, so I can promote my instructor to 7th, so he can promote me to 5th?

Yes. And more...

You can promote yourself to 10th, then promote your instructor to 8th. He can then promote you to 11th, then you promote him to 9th, then he can promote himself to 10th and promote you to 12th.

And to think the only reason I'm not walking around wearing double bars is because I simply couldn't do the math.

Oh well, I may not be too bright when it come to rank, but when it come to business - I have it nailed!

Ya, I teach for free, but I make it up in volume.
Ok, cool. Now we all know how it gets done. Any takers to put on a 3 bar belt?:rolleyes:
jfarnsworth said:
Ok, cool. Now we all know how it gets done. Any takers to put on a 3 bar belt?:rolleyes:

I play 12-bar blues. Does that count? :boing1:
jfarnsworth said:
Ok, cool. Now we all know how it gets done. Any takers to put on a 3 bar belt?:rolleyes:

I think it's been done...
