how can i learn more about balintawak



how can i find out information about balintawak, its founder, who teaches it, etc. etc. etc.

I am in the detroit area, and if it started here, i should have heard someone by now talk about it. I have to go into cyber space on marfial talk to hear about it.
thank you sir, very informative site.
Who in Michigan/America promotes teaches Tat KunTao or Balintawak?

Is it considered part of the curiculuum of Modern Arnis?
Originally posted by progressivetactics
Is it considered part of the curiculuum of Modern Arnis?

At the upper levels its seen in the WMAA Modern Arnis curriculum. (I am associated with this group.) I don't think it's explicitly taught in any other Modern Arnis group--but they all have been influenced by it in the art's development.
The Balintawak club in Detroit only accecpts new members when an existing member sponcers a new candidate. I was very fortunate to have had GM Presas (a member of the original club in Cebu) sponcer me himself prior to his death.