Horny Women Should Fly Delta


When did Georgia become the top penis producing state in the country? Where do they get these statistics?

Thanks for the ... tip? ;)
I know the video is long, and hard to watch, but just suck it up, and you can take it all in at your pleasure.

Someone needs to check out the AfterDark forum for a thread where I posted the same video. :rolleyes: *ahem!*
I'm so glad I didn't develop a penis aller...uh...peanut allergy. :lol2:
Someone needs to check out the AfterDark forum for a thread where I posted the same video. :rolleyes: *ahem!*

Except that the After Dark forum isnt availible to all of us, so consider this a repost for those of us who cant see what you put in there. :p
i'm going to close my eyes & imagine giving that anchor some peanuts right now...:)


what? i just thought she looked hungry.

you know, for peanuts.

i'm going to close my eyes & imagine giving that anchor some peanuts right now...:)


I like it when my Peanuts have a Tophat and Cane. And a Monocol.

Or when they are honey roasted.
Except that the After Dark forum isnt availible to all of us, so consider this a repost for those of us who cant see what you put in there. :p
Well if that's the case okay... but I thought it was a bit too *ahem* blue for it to be posted openly for the 17 and unders that have access to this forum. :asian:

Guess we'll let the mods decide and I won't object to a deletion (of mine) or a merger of threads.
I like it when my Peanuts have a Tophat and Cane. And a Monocol.

Or when they are honey roasted.

i used to date a girl who LOVED peanuts on her ice cream. she could eat peanuts & ice cream all day.

i used to date a girl who LOVED peanuts on her ice cream. she could eat peanuts & ice cream all day.


"Well hello there children, let me sing you a little song. . ." -Chef



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