Home study programs



I am presently an active student of EPAK and I am looking for a solid home study program to enhance my training. Anyone have any experiences with these programs good or bad.
I would say that if you have the money to do so, you should definitely get Master Larry Tatum's self defense videos. They are a little more expensive, but Master Tatum's speed, and power are awesome. From what I've read he was the heir apparent to take over the system from Master Parker at one time, and he was the teacher of the black belts.
Thank you for your quick response to my question. As a first time user of this fourm I am very impressed with the coversations and information provided.

Thanks again,

Full Salute

There are many home-study programs out there. If you are a beginner any will provide you with learning and advancement from where you are. Some practicioners have comprehensive video/dvd sets. Mr. Tabatabai, Mr. Tatum, Mr. Leroux. (sp)

Elitists who claim that "their way" is the only way stiffle advancement of many kinds. Everything changes and everything stays the same. Learn to your abilty, enjoy yourself and seek one-on-one training to get you through the rough spots when you can.

If you are interested in learning for self defense or physical conditioning great. If you want to compete you will have - no... HAVE TO train with a partner at some point.

Good luck.
Semi Pro and Pro fighters always train on the floor directly under a trainer. If you want to be good this is the way to go. They will push you to get better, very few will push themselves.
If you are interested in Larry Tatum's "When Kenpo Strikes" series, Century Martial Arts has the DVD's for $9.99 each, I bought the whole series and it's great.
Brian D,

Thanks for the information, I think I'll buy them sounds like a great price. I've only heard great things about Mr. Tatum.

Thanks again for your input.


Brian W.
Now that I have seen Mr. Tatum in action. I would have to concur with everyone else that has said that his tapes are the best way to go.
