Holy Cripes! What a big Kitty!!


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
A while back I posted pictures of a Liger, the half lion half tiger combo through genetic engineering... A very big kitty indeed... this is the video of that animal http://www.metacafe.com/watch/250400/liger/ Wonders never cease.
Can you try to imagine this kitty chasing after you with a hungry gleam in it's eyes?

That's like an ice age sized animal. Holy smokes! It could take down a mammoth with no problem.
Funny thing about this is..if you reverse the mom and dad, that created the liger, the offspring would be miniature! True story. I saw this cat on a tv show, and they explained that a "Tion" would be that way.
Scientists weren't very creative when they named these animals.

Lion(m) + Tiger(f) = Liger
Tiger(m) + Lion(f) = Tigon
Lion(m) + Liger(f) = Li-Liger(or Li-Li)
Lion(m) + Tigon(f) = Li-Tigon(or Li-Ti)
Tiger(m) + Liger(f) = Ti-Liger(or Ti-Li)
Tiger(m) + Tigon(f) = Ti-Tigon(or Ti-Ti)

The names do explain the geneology pretty good, it just doesn't sound like the scientists who worked on this spent much time thinking up names for them.
Very impressive, and very cool, but is it just me but is it a good idea to breed a bigger predatory cat that could, as hand sword said, bring down a mammoth?

Next we will breed a salt water crock with a komodo dragon call it a Croc-o-dragon and get something the size of a dimetrodon.

Cool… but just a tad bit scary
Very impressive, and very cool, but is it just me but is it a good idea to breed a bigger predatory cat that could, as hand sword said, bring down a mammoth?
CoolÂ… but just a tad bit scary

As long as it doesn't grow fangs like it's ancient cousin the Saber Tooth ... why not? :uhyeah:


  • $saber_toothed.jpg
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That's a huge animal. Siberian tigers are the largest wild cats, with males being larger than females. The largest Siberian tiger on record weighed 1025 pounds...even bigger than the Liger. Simply amazing.
What's Up, Pussycat? Whoa!

They are outlawed in New York City, members of a new designer breed growing in popularity called the Savannah, an offspring of a wildcat - the African serval - and the domestic house cat.

"If I have to move to New Jersey to keep these cats, I will," said their owner, a 29-year-old hedge fund analyst who equates life in downtown Manhattan with life itself. "That's how much I love them," she said, speaking only on the condition of anonymity.

The cats - which can cost from $4,000 to $10,000 - are visually striking with their long necks and oversized ears, and they can be intimidating. They look like little leopards and grow to more than twice the size of normal cats. They love to leap and splash in water, and they don't mind taking long walks on a leash. Some people describe them as dogs in cats' bodies.


"For whatever reason, these cats are cats many people would like to have," she said. "There is some sort of wow factor to the 35-pound cat in your Manhattan apartment."


Thanks for the video link! I saw a Liger (maybe the same one since the guy looks familar) on Jay Leno a couple years back. That was the first I've ever heard or seen it and couldn't believe how HUGE it was/is.

What did Napoleon Dynamite say about Ligers? They have mystical powers or something like that?

Robyn :)
I saw one a number of years ago at a Medieval Fair in our area (what a liger has to do with knights and castles, I don't know). The animal was huge. The lady rode it like a horse when they presented it.

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