His legs are as fast as his hands... watch this video

Pretty athletic fellow, nicely done - but do you think he can really defend himself?

No, I do not think there is any JKD there; much to "flashy".
It has to much Gymnastic exorcises in it but it was flashy and had the crowd going.
Yes, as others have said, very impressive. But looks more wushu (acrobatic) than pragmatic (combat). Just my take. :)
It's Steve Terada - he's a member of Team Paul Mitchell.
At last count he was a 2nd Dan in Tang Soo Do but might be up to 3rd by now - definitely no JKD in there. He and Daniel Sterling are noted for that "flashy" gymnastics/martial arts performance art blend. Like or hate it, he's definitely talented.
It's Steve Terada - he's a member of Team Paul Mitchell.
At last count he was a 2nd Dan in Tang Soo Do but might be up to 3rd by now - definitely no JKD in there.
Yeah, now that you say it, I can see it as TSD (I always picture flying back fists--that actually land!--when thinking of TSD).
He and Daniel Sterling are noted for that "flashy" gymnastics/martial arts performance art blend. Like or hate it, he's definitely talented.
No doubt.
I wouldn't consider this to be a style, what he is doing is a very good example of the XMA tournament stuff. It doesn't really matter what style you are, they all sort of look the same since they all pull their tricks from generally the same basket. I've seen guys based on kenpo and karate to do exactly the same maneuvers.
