


I don't mind starting at the bottom again. Less pressure. So I'm the new-newb. Hello everyone. Wow I get to begin again! :)
Welcome to the forum LadyKempo!!!

Enjoy your stay here and please feel free to ask any questions that you may have! :ultracool

Greetings LadyKempo. We hope you enjoy the boards.
Hi LadyKempo! Well, just like martial arts, the time flies by and you will catch up to your real rank soon! Enjoy the journey here too! TW
Hello Everyone. Im new here and looking forward in putting my 2 cents on various topics. Im currently an orange belt in Kosho Ryu Kempo. The only regret is that I didn't start years ago. Train safe and all the best. Best regards, Steve
Some people really know how to have fun, WELCOME!
Hi Ladykempo! Welcome to Martial Talk forums.:asian:

KenpoTess said:
Hi LadyKempo :) Welcome to the Group~!

I moved your thread from the other one, so now you can be at the Top :D

I don't know how you did that of course but thanks. I'm a white-belt in martial Talk. :)