Hi, no fear i'm here!


White Belt
Feb 25, 2009
Reaction score
hi im new here, i'm a muay thai kickboxer and im starting to make a name for my self so i thought id drop by on this site.
Welcome to MT! Tell us more...please lol! Where are you fighting and who trains you? :)
i train in northwest england under Robz Sharpley and ive just started to get confident in the interclubs. loving the sport and im enjoying improving my game. im looking to start making a name for myself in the sport.
i train in northwest england under Robz Sharpley and ive just started to get confident in the interclubs. loving the sport and im enjoying improving my game. im looking to start making a name for myself in the sport.

I'm across the Pennines from you but I'll look out for you! If you come across to Darlington for one of Paul Hamilton's MT fightnights let me know!
I'm across the Pennines from you but I'll look out for you! If you come across to Darlington for one of Paul Hamilton's MT fightnights let me know!

will do

thanks for all the welcomes guys!
Greetings and Welcome to MT.....