Hi , everyone .



I just want to say hello to everyone and let you all know how excited I am about this great web site.I'm a student of taijiquan , and I love it. Going through the form , push hands ,grappling , sparring , I love it all .I probably sound like a bit of a geek. Well , I am. Ha! I'm looking forward to learning from you and sharing whatever knowledge I may have with you .
Hi there :wavey: :wavey: :wavey:

Hows it going?

How long have you been studying?
Hei, welcome aboard!
What style r u learning? How long have u been learning?


I've been studying for a number of years , but only felt that I acquired fighting ability over the last six years. At present , sun lu tangs' taijiquan is what I practice and study. I should mention that I've recently begun a study of xingyiquan. Thanks for the replies.
Hello, and welcome to a graet forum. Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!