Hi Everybody


White Belt
Hello guys, Im new here but I see that this is a great forum and I hope to have a lot of fun posting with you.

My real name is Rubén, Im from México, because of that my native language is the Spanish. I arrived to this place searching for information about Martial Arts.

And, also I'm an otaku, a hard one, jeje.
Welcome aboard!

What arts do you study? Give us a little bio :)

Well, some time ago... Like four years to be more specific, I studied here Kungfu, but only like a year, then I was consumed by totally for my schools... Such highschool and languages. But now I am really interested in Taijutsu arts, but I haven't found where can I train at my city.

Today I am 18 years old, but I think that never is to late to start!!! If someone can recommend me some books to begin with the basic could be great, and better if you know a good Taijutsu school in Mexico XD.

Thanks for the welcome!!!
Welcome, and happy posting! :wavey:

And it's never too late to start - good luck finding an appropriate school.

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