Heya, all


White Belt
Jun 11, 2007
Reaction score
Just noodling around and found this site. Now if only I can find some Wado in Bloomington, IN.

Brief self-intro: My first art was judo. I started kinda late, at 22, and with an unstable shoulder, but still I think I'd still be doing judo if my bod could take it these days. I trained with the Univ. of Chicago Judo Club (hi guys!) and in Taiwan with Anderson Lin. Did a bit with the Univ. of IL club later on, as well. Hung up that gi when I moved to Denver the first time.

Later that same life... boy did I miss martial arts. Hmm, what's this at my local gym? Karate? Hmm probably taekwondo (nothin' against it, but I'm a Japanese arts kinda gal). It was Wado. Yowzaa! Moved to Denver a second time. Had the great good fortune to study with Kurobane Sensei there. Now I'm in Bloomington lookin' for more Wado.

Anyway, this looks like a fun site. Cheers all!
Thanks! I'm hoping and searching. Only been here a week, so it's early days.
Welcome to Martial Talk! :)

Greetings and Welcome to MT..Make yourself at home...
Welcome to MT.

Good luck in hunting down a good school.

Welcome to Martial Talk, and best of luck in finding the right school in your new locale. :)
Welcome in.

Dont be fooled by the 'starting late in life' or the duration of your practice.

Its what you learned during that time and what you drew from it that counts.

Best regards,


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