Hey there new guy/eager learner here!

Josh Paczok

White Belt
Feb 24, 2009
Reaction score
WV, MA, WI, all over
My name is Josh Paczok and I am new to MartialTalk. I am actually new to martial arts too, but I love Eskrima! I have only had just a few weeks of training in an Inayan system 3 school. Unfortunately, the school is in WI I am going to college in WV and I am spending the summer in MA! (I live wherever my car is parked pretty much lol.) So does anybody here know of anyone near Hingham MA, (by Weymouth) who would be interested in someone to train with over the summer? I would love to learn anything not just FMA but that would be awesome! Or does anybody happen to know of an FMA school in that area?

Welcome to MT! If it had been Weymouth UK I could have helped lol, but good luck with your search.
Welcome to MartialTalk!
Welcome to the forum, I'm new as well here. Trying to find my way around this awesome site. :)
Welcome through the doors, Josh. Best of luck with your search - with a bit of luck, one of our experienced 'stick wielding' members will be able to help point you in the right direction.