The 8th World Martial Arts Festival in Chungju City, South Korea
Once again the US Apache Knife Team has the honor of participating in this special event for the second year in a row. This is a special honor for both America and Apaches as we will be the only ones representing the USA at this spectacular event. This is an international event showcasing fighting styles from all over the world.
The festival will run from October 1 - 7, 2005. We leave the U.S. on September 29th, and arrive in Korea on the 30th. We will participate in the parade at the opening ceremony on October 1st.
We at Apache Knife are very Honored and Proud to represent the United States of America. Our time in South Korea is not to make money but to do our best at showing brotherhood with other countries and to share our Native American heritage and history. We are asking for donations towards our uniforms, which are authentic replicas of the past 1885 Indian Wars. One Uniform Cost around $700 dollars. We are trying to raise enough money for 9 Uniforms and miscellaneous expenses totaling approximately ($10,000). Also we would appreciate & except any 1800Â’s Calvary or Apache Scout uniform items you wish to donate.