Hello newbie here


White Belt
Jan 9, 2016
Reaction score
Davenport, Iowa
Just wanted to say hello. I am 35 and just started martial arts. I figured I better get going on this if I want to do it. I am doing bjj and kickboxing. I have only done 3 classes and have bruises up and down my arms and really have no clue what I am doing but for some reason it's fun to pay to get beat up. No actually it's fun but tough can't wait till next class.
Welcome to MartialTalk. Hope you enjoy it.

Sent from an old fashioned 300 baud acoustic modem by whistling into the handset. Not TapaTalk. Really.
Welcome aboard, bro.
Just wanted to say hello. I am 35 and just started martial arts. I figured I better get going on this if I want to do it. I am doing bjj and kickboxing. I have only done 3 classes and have bruises up and down my arms and really have no clue what I am doing but for some reason it's fun to pay to get beat up. No actually it's fun but tough can't wait till next class.
It'll get better with practice and experience.

Peace favor your sword,
Theres a lot more bruises to come as well, great huh!? :D

I am only training two days a week in bjj and one day a week in kickboxing. That is all that time allows. I am talking to the choir but it is tough. Made it through firsr couple weeks and the guys are really cool especially the higher belts allowing me to try different things before catching me in some move that I don't even know the name of yet. It's realy cool and gives me so much more respect for bjj/mma athletes. I am keeping up cardio wise which is great, what I am lacking is strength. Especially rolling with these guys some of whom are pro fighters. Albeit when I do get the opportunity to roll with the they know I am new, and I appreciate their input. I am about 5'11'' 160lbs and not very strong I have been getting stronger over the last year since I started lifting going from about 100 max to 150 took a while. But I feel so much better and duh stronger. Now starting bjj I am like the weakest one in their with these gladiators it's funny but really cool at the same time.