Hello from Rhode Island


Orange Belt
Mar 7, 2011
Reaction score
Johnston, R.I.
My name is George and I am training in kempo for the 2nd time. I trained as a youth for several years and now at the age of 47 have begun training again. I am training now under Sensei Raffi Derderian in Johnston at The Derderian Academy of Martial Arts(DAMA).

I've always loved the martial arts but over the years just never made the time to get back into it till now. 2 years ago I enrolled my grandson at DAMA and watching him has gotten me motivated to get of my *** and do it myself. I am glad I did.

I will most definitely take away more from here than I'll be able to contribute but I'll do my best to offer up what I can. Thanks for having me!
Welcome! Enjoy your stay. :)
Welcome from another RI area Martial Artist!