Hello from NC, USA.


White Belt
Hello from North Carolina! There are not many serious martial artists out here in my area, so I've sought out a place to talk about it with actual practitioners. I look forward to exchanging ideas!
Welcome to MT! What part of NC are you in? I know there are at least three of us here from NC. My wife and I are in Western NC (south of Asheville), and we have at least one out near Raleigh.

What is your background?
Hello Everyone!

I currently live in Durham, where I run my dad's restaurant. I learned Nanquan-Beitui military combatives from my dad when I was a kid, and just ran with it. I study as much about the martial arts as I can, though nowadays practice is becoming more infrequent with work and such. My primary styles are Baji Quan, Baihe Quan, and Shuai Jiao, though I try to learn something from everything I encounter. I taught self-defense in college based on those styles, incorporated in my own personal method.
Hello Everyone!

I currently live in Durham, where I run my dad's restaurant. I learned Nanquan-Beitui military combatives from my dad when I was a kid, and just ran with it. I study as much about the martial arts as I can, though nowadays practice is becoming more infrequent with work and such. My primary styles are Baji Quan, Baihe Quan, and Shuai Jiao, though I try to learn something from everything I encounter. I taught self-defense in college based on those styles, incorporated in my own personal method.
A very different background from my own experience. I look forward to your contributions in the forums.
Hi gpseymour. Thank you for the welcome. What is your background, may I ask?
My primary art is Nihon Goshin Aikido (a cousin-art to Ueshiba's Aikido). I also have some background in Shotokan Karate and Judo, significant cross-training in a blend of Filipino martial arts and (generically) Jujutsu. And I've done some cross-training and tinkering in a smattering of other stuff - bits of Brazilian Jiu Jutsu, Tang Soo Do, etc. Everything I learn changes my approach in tiny ways, but the core remains NGA (at least, my interpretation of NGA).
Hello from North Carolina! There are not many serious martial artists out here in my area, so I've sought out a place to talk about it with actual practitioners. I look forward to exchanging ideas!

Welcome! <waives from the opposite end of North Carolina>