Hello from Kryshah


White Belt
Jan 5, 2009
Reaction score
Ripley, WV
Hello all. I figured that I should probably introduce myself. My name is Mat, I'm a 26 year old full time college student with a beautiful wife that teaches autistic middle schoolers. I took Tae Kwon Do classes when I was 12 and 13 and have nothing but good memories from it. I enrolled in a Karate class when I was 19, but my Sensei moved on after a year so no more karate for me. Long story short, I've gained a good 80 to 100 pounds since I graduated from high school and feel that getting back into Tae Kwon Do would be the most rewarding and enjoyable way for me to loose weight. I would love for my wife to join me, but she's never taken a martial arts class and I think that she would be a bit apprehensive about it. Not to mention that I've recently quit my job to concentrate on school so money is VERY tight. I've thought about some self instruction through videos online and books... but I'm sure you'll all agree that self instruction isn't quite up to snuff. Anyway I look forward to browsing the threads here and sharing with all here.
Hello and welcome to MartialTalk ... ya know, self-instruction isn't what is best, but if that is all you can do at this time and it helps you lose the weight you want to lose, then I say go for it. You can find instruction later to help with anything that is missing.
Welcome to the table, Mat :tup:.

There is plenty of advice to be found about what to do about training when money is tight but it is a sad fact that in the USA MA training has become a business more than a vocation in many cases - that means pricey instruction.

From my experience over here in Blighty, TKD is probably the worst 'offender' in the 'cash for classes' stakes, so I'd suggest you look elsewhere for your move forward into the martial arts world {cue storms of protest from our large TKD contingent :eek:}.

Best of luck.

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