Hi, my name is Alex and I'm preparing to reenter the world of martial arts. My father took me to Thailand as a young boy and put me in a Muay Thai camp at the age of 14. I'll never forget the all the experiences I had or all the things I learned. 10 years later, the only battle I waged against was myself, chain smoking for 10 years straight along with a extremely poor diet and other abuses to my body and well being. It's embarrassing to admit but I think the best way to introduce myself is though being honest.
Right now, I'm on my third day smoke free and I'm feeling better. I was hoping that some of you guys could give me advice on how to go about starting martial arts again. Should I immediately jump into a Muay Thai class or should I take sometime to recondition my body before doing so? I'm not very flexible and I gas out in a very short time.
Any advise would be greatly appreciated. Thank you everyone for taking the time for reading my introduction post.

Right now, I'm on my third day smoke free and I'm feeling better. I was hoping that some of you guys could give me advice on how to go about starting martial arts again. Should I immediately jump into a Muay Thai class or should I take sometime to recondition my body before doing so? I'm not very flexible and I gas out in a very short time.
Any advise would be greatly appreciated. Thank you everyone for taking the time for reading my introduction post.