Hello everyone


White Belt
Hi! Everyone calls me TJ. I have practiced martial arts since I was in 3rd grade. I am now in 11th and my 18th birthday just passed last Friday. I used to be in Japanese Karate, but I now take Soo Bahk Do, a Korean Martial Art. I have to say that I think it is one of the best martial arts out there. It is very deep in history and philosophy. I am a 2nd Gup (red belt, 1 stripe) and am a year and a half from my midnight blue belt (= to black).

I am an incredibly active person and train almost constantly. I believe I have the best Sa Bom (instructor) there is in Soo Bahk Do. I have performed at festivals representing my school and it is my life. I got MMA gloves for Christmas which I use a lot.

I just got a new camera for my birthday so perhaps I can upload a few videos. Testing graduation is next Thursday (I didn't test, I have to wait until May, the length between tests for red belts is twice as long as others). I should be able to get some good video clips.

I came here to find some fellow Soo Bahk Do members and help people get better. I am ordering my study materials for my Jok Kyo (Teacher Assistant sort of). I have been teaching classes/ warming up classes. I also teach the beginner class that is only a half hour.

This looks like a great place and I can't wait to read the topics.
Welcome and we have alot of Soo Bahk Do people on here.
Hey! Welcome! I'm another SBD practitioner, please feel free to bump up any topics in the Tang Soo Do area (we don't distinguish between TSD and SBD here). It will be great to have another SBD'er around. I think there are only about 2 or 3 of us here, but many many many Tang Soo Do practitioners.

I just completed Jo Kyo not too long ago, so I'd be happy to help if you need it.
Greetings and salutations! Welcome.

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