Hello and not to well


Senior Master
Hi every one, it's Manny how you doing? me not so fine, last monday I crash my car, I'm fine just a swore knee but my car is broken and it's gona take a month to get fix, thanx good I had a car insurance.

Last weeks are not good, I almost left TKD, I mean I can't train in a regular basis, I atend classes once or twice a week and tha's all, I have to atend three times a week but some times I'm so blue and without the hunger to go training.

Sometimes because the job, other times because I'm like defeated by fate. However I did not trow the towell yet.

I'm still training one or two nights per week, don't know some times I don't wana go to dojan but the next time I go.

Manny hang in there we have all gone though what you are, it is a true mind set with all the adversary you are going thought o continue. Keep the faith and all will be well real soon.
Manny, there have been times I've only shown up as a student because my instructor was expecting me; there have been times I have only shown up as an instructor because my students were expecting me. But I've never been sorry after I got there. Hang in there, keep training as best you can (watch that sore knee), and things will get better.
Sounds like you are not having a good month at all...Taking a break from training due to illness or injuy is not an easy thing..The good thing about a layoff is that you come back and seem to be able to train that much harder..Good luck to you..
Hang in there.

When I blew my ACL, I would hobble into the school, sit in the office doing paperwork and nearly weep because I wanted to be out on the floor. I'm sooooo glad I followed my doctor's orders and didn't give in to the temptation to rush my recovery. Don't you do it either.

Be patient, my friend - you have the rest of your life to train. Missing some time here to heal up is a good thing, not a bad thing.
Hi, Manny.

I too am going through a tough time( between jobs, have a little saved but may have to stop going for a month or two). But I've got some interviews set up, the worst may be over.

Take heart, it does get better.
I'm sorry about your difficulty. You are in my prayers. There are better days ahead, Manny.
I'm so sorry to hear about your car, Manny. It sounds like you've had a rough few weeks, and I hope things get better for you soon! I know I've hit some rough spots, both in real life and training. Sometimes, a little break helps. However, it's getting back into it that's more difficult. Sending prayers/ good thoughts your way...
Manny, it sounds like you may have problems that aren't connect to martial arts training at all and you may even be depressed clinically. Please take the time to sit down and talk with someone, preferably someone who is qualified to help you.

If you are an adult and you work, there may be help. Many companies have an Employee Assistance Program where an employee may speak with a counselor free of charge. You may have one where you work and you should ask Human Resources about it if so.

If you are underage, talk to a parent or guidance counselor at school.

Whatever you do, don't NOT do anything all. We all have blue periods, but you really sound like you're having a rough time of it.
Yeap, maybe a little depressed, things in my job are a little slow, and I have to admit it, some times I go home with nothing in mind but lay down my bed and wach some t.v.

My knee it's not bad I did waht doctors said, only 5 days without workout, it does not hurt and I feel fien about the knee.

Tonight it's a must to go training to drop all the blue toughts and have a big smile afther the class. Every time before class begins I do meditation and always say a prayer, in my prayer I ask lord to have the strenght and stamina to endure all the class, also I ask to lord to be patient and enjoy training, I pray to not over strecht and hurt mi legs, I pray to ENJOY the training.

When class is over I do meditation againg and say THNKS to lord for the good class I went trough.

Maybe I need some light contact sparring to dump stress.


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