Hello all!


Blue Belt
Nov 17, 2006
Reaction score
Syracuse, NY
Hello everyone. I've been attending school since Feb. and have had little time to do anything but sleep and study, but the end justifies the means and I'm doing so well I'm vieing for class champion. I decided that to open my own school and be financially stable in it, I needed a job that brings in the bucks....so I enrolled in truck driving school! The money is great and I should have the finances in a couple years. Meanwhile, I still will practice TKD and if possible test for further degrees as I can. My question to anyone that could help is...when on the road, could I workout at any ones school on my journey? I would be willing to pay for the class whenever I come to your town. I can arrange to test at the national tourneys when I am ready. Anybody out there game?
Most schools will be more than happy to let you train when you visit thier towns.

And welcome to MT!
Mel anytime you are in the DFW area let me know you will always be welcome. Take care and I wish you the best.
Terry, I will definately come see you, and Iceman, Cali is in my soul so guess you guys will be seeing me at some point. Thanks!
Most schools will be happy to have visitors - it's a good idea to call ahead in case the class is canceled for some reason, or in case the school or facility has a fee for visitors, so you know what to expect. Give me a holler if you come through Denver.
Greetings and Welcome to MT..If you hit Ohio you are welcome to visit our school..We do not do TKD, but I think you will enjoy yourself...
Long time no see Mel, good to see you back :D Training all around the country sounds like a ton of fun to me! :D

Mel, one of our long-time members, Jeff Letchford (theletch) has been a trucker lo these many; you might check with him on what his experience has been in this area.
We are located in Southeast Texas close to IH-10 so if you're passing through stop by anytime!
Western Masters Karate in little Martinsburg, WV off I-81 (about 1.5 hours from Washington, D.C.) would be glad to help out a fellow martial artist. Drop me a line anytime you are in the area
Wow! Thanks to all of you for the replies. I'm hoping to get a dedicated route in the southern states from Ca. to Fla. so I'll definately check in with many of you.
hello and welcome to MT. have fun and happy postings. and stay safe on the roads.
You are welcome to our school, McAlester Ok. Hiway 69 south of I40 All the best in the arts
I wish I'd have thought of this when I was in Florida last week. I went looking for a school and the closest one (according to the GPS) I couldn't find, I assume it went out of business.