Hell Gate London comes out


Orange Belt
I just bought that Game i have been yacking about for the last month.
Now this game is an the next extention of the diablo series. back then, one night my wife went to bed early so I got on line (multiplayer) to try to catch up in stuff, with my teen age sons. I stayed up all night playing. when I looked at the clock and saw there was only 30 minutes before the wife's allarm was to go off, I grabbed a blanket and pillow, layed down on the couch, and told the wife " I was up late and didn't want to wake you up".
Any way bought HellGate London yesterday, my wife is sick and has been in bed for two days. So for about the last two days when not chasing the kids around. I have been Gaming. Just completed the first quest and leveled up to six.
Thing is today I have a serious lower back soarness from, sitting on the livingroom floor for hours with the laptop on the coffeetable.
And this is why I gave up Ultima Online and Diablo II :D
I bought a lap top and sit next to the wife on the couch. it cuts down on the ear noise.
What a perfect night, Big Love on HBO, in front of me. A Hot woman sitting next to me. A beer on the coffee table. My computer on my lap checking out the bookoo forums I belong to.
Hey New Guy come hang out with me, i'll cheer ya right up.

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