Health benefits of...Chocolate?

I knew there was a reason I scarfed it ceaselessly. :ultracool
I added a glass of wine a day for the health benefits...looks like i'll have to add a Milky Way bar every day too!

Seriously, I believe this..but as always, in moderation.
Good article. Thanks for the link. Nearly everyfood has (potential) positives and negatives. Same goes for activities for that matter.
Yeah, many things have these anitoxidants and free radicals in them in higher percentages....but what the hell, any reason to eat chocolate is a great one for me!!

Personal experience with this....

.....after these articles started coming out, I began treating myself to a small square of pure dark chocolate (%85 cocoa) daily. Surprisingly enough, I became highly addicted to it. I craved it daily, and the one square a day escalated into a whole bar a day (those huge bars you can buy the grocery store).

It seems that chocolate acts on the same neuro receptors as narcotics; never being addicted to anything in my life before, I was a wee bit surprised.

So, for me, the anti-oxidant benefits did not outweight the addictive properties of chocolate :)
MikeMartial said:
Personal experience with this....

.....after these articles started coming out, I began treating myself to a small square of pure dark chocolate (%85 cocoa) daily. Surprisingly enough, I became highly addicted to it. I craved it daily, and the one square a day escalated into a whole bar a day (those huge bars you can buy the grocery store).

It seems that chocolate acts on the same neuro receptors as narcotics; never being addicted to anything in my life before, I was a wee bit surprised.

So, for me, the anti-oxidant benefits did not outweight the addictive properties of chocolate :)

My guess would be that that would be the norm.