having time to train


Purple Belt
Jun 29, 2015
Reaction score
Northside ATL
I don't know if this subject has been gone over already or not but lately I've been busy, not having a lot of free time so i haven't been able to make it to Krav Maga and it sucks! this week is Spring Break so i finally have the time to catch a few classes but does anyone else struggle with this?
Everyone has times like that. You've just got to do what you can practice at home that's better than nothing
I don't know if this subject has been gone over already or not but lately I've been busy, not having a lot of free time so i haven't been able to make it to Krav Maga and it sucks! this week is Spring Break so i finally have the time to catch a few classes but does anyone else struggle with this?
of course, but its rather a question of what you are busy with and if it really means you have no times to train or if its just a bit awkward and means you can only do one class a week or a,fortnight or you really have no time to train at all.

many people form the view that if they can't do it properly, they won't do it at all, when less, a lit less, is much preferred to nothing at all, the least you need to do is keep your fitness and flexability up
Managing time is a *****. And as they say, "I don't have the time" is the grown up version of the "dog ate my homework."

Unfortunately, we all have lives to lead, responsibilities, people to care for, BUT, if it matters to you, you'll find some way to do it. If it doesn't matter to you, you'll find a way out of it, and you'll find a reasonable excuse.

That choice is yours, mine and the other guy's.
Time management is an important skill for life.
If it is important enough you will find a way to do whatever you want to do.
Well no not really....if he's working until 8:00 and his training times are 6-8 then he can't train
The org. my son trains with made a new requirement for black belt testing....everyone testing is required to bring a journal of their training, competing, teaching, etc....

My son is using a weekly planner to document his training, competing, and also every month starts a new goal that he tracks...(1000 pushups for the month, 500 pull ups for the month, etc...) So far it helps motivate him to make sure to do something MA related so he has something listed for everyday. Even if its just 30 minutes of training.
The org. my son trains with made a new requirement for black belt testing....everyone testing is required to bring a journal of their training, competing, teaching, etc....

My son is using a weekly planner to document his training, competing, and also every month starts a new goal that he tracks...(1000 pushups for the month, 500 pull ups for the month, etc...) So far it helps motivate him to make sure to do something MA related so he has something listed for everyday. Even if its just 30 minutes of training.
that is an interesting concept. i just spend a lot of time studying and after I come home from martial arts i get SPENT... too spent to study. so if i rearrange my time better i may be able to train more frequently
I don't know if this subject has been gone over already or not but lately I've been busy, not having a lot of free time so i haven't been able to make it to Krav Maga and it sucks! this week is Spring Break so i finally have the time to catch a few classes but does anyone else struggle with this?

I have the same struggle as you are. I'm busy at work that I have less time to work. But I still train on weekends, then practice some of the moves at home every morning so I won't be lousy when I go to the school.
It's all about priorities really, if you make your training your highest priority everything else will get moved around it.

For most people, I don't think that's always possible though...

If you're studying for upcoming exams say, that's probably a higher priority right now - the training will still be there waiting for you afterwards.

If I get a job run on, or take the kids out for the day, or there's a school event etc. then I skip training that day - I don't think it makes me a bad 'martial artist' (other things do that ;))

If life gets in the way but you make it to some training, sometimes - well, you're up on the people who forever say "I'll start next week"...
that is an interesting concept. i just spend a lot of time studying and after I come home from martial arts i get SPENT... too spent to study. so if i rearrange my time better i may be able to train more frequently

And make sure you eat right, bro. Right for you, whatever that may be. No fuel, no fire.
And make sure you eat right, bro. Right for you, whatever that may be. No fuel, no fire.

you know it's funny... this isn't as much of an issue as it used to be... but i used to get what i call "martial arts munchies".... like after training i would be insanely hungry... i'd go home, take a shower, and then shovel food down my throat :D
that's actually encouraging thanks!

It's supposed to be a bit ;)

Like someone getting upset for losing a comp - they still beat the people who didn't turn up...

Training what you can when you can is all anyone can ever do - there's not many people who can devote all day every day to it (and even those fit in that statement anyway).
Yeah it definitely helps to be realistic about it. Every week may be different, and I've found it's about riding the flow of the week. Some weeks are quieter, others are busier. Some are exhausting and it wouldn't actually be a great idea to try to smash in alot of training. That week you can take some pressure of yourself and do slower training, or work on flexibility and mobility stuff, light technique-work maybe.
Some weeks are relaxed and you can break up training into different aspects.

But obviously getting to training classes is another thing, best to just train when you can, and keep up a little training at home. There always seems to be a fear of "I'm missing out!!" that comes up, but you're really not missing out. It'll still be there when you're ready to go back, and nothing will be lost. Everyone is at different stages in their life and training, so you can't really miss out, but simply pick up from where you left off :)
Life gets busy. What you give time to shows your priorities. There have been stretches where MA was not my priority, so I let it lose time. But when it has been a priority (most of my life), it gets its time unless something more important comes up. When work had me out of town 5 days a week, I practiced falls and rolls on hotel room floors and got up early Saturday morning to go to the one class that was available to me. I got out with my training partner and practiced outside class from time to time, as well.

All I caution is make sure you're making an actual choice on this. By default, we let a lot of decisions pass us by without actually making a decision - letting the default action occur (like not getting to class). It's okay to decide to allocate training time to something more important. If training time reduces for the week, that should mean everything else that week was something you consider a higher priority than your training (again, that's a perfectly acceptable choice). What should not be okay is letting "being busy" cause you to miss training time, while less-important (to you) stuff still gets its share of time.
you know it's funny... this isn't as much of an issue as it used to be... but i used to get what i call "martial arts munchies".... like after training i would be insanely hungry... i'd go home, take a shower, and then shovel food down my throat :D
In my 20's and 30's, it wasn't uncommon for me to get home late after 4 classes (last class was 8:30-9:30 PM) and eat a lot. I kind of miss that.
In my 20's and 30's, it wasn't uncommon for me to get home late after 4 classes (last class was 8:30-9:30 PM) and eat a lot. I kind of miss that.

ever since I quit using 8 years ago i've had a gut. I've been taking martial arts for around 3.5 years, and I still have a gut. I blame that partially on martial arts munchies. even when i trained Muay Thai and BJJ on the same day i didn't lose weight. idk i'm on a no carbs diet now seemed to help at first.... i just can't get rid of this damn gut!
Yeah it definitely helps to be realistic about it. Every week may be different, and I've found it's about riding the flow of the week. Some weeks are quieter, others are busier. Some are exhausting and it wouldn't actually be a great idea to try to smash in alot of training. That week you can take some pressure of yourself and do slower training, or work on flexibility and mobility stuff, light technique-work maybe.
Some weeks are relaxed and you can break up training into different aspects.
yes, i have had that feeling of missing out before... there's also the feeling that at this rate i'm not gonna progress very fast. i need to start doing more at home... i used to but i've been lazy about it more recently. thanks for the feedback :)

But obviously getting to training classes is another thing, best to just train when you can, and keep up a little training at home. There always seems to be a fear of "I'm missing out!!" that comes up, but you're really not missing out. It'll still be there when you're ready to go back, and nothing will be lost. Everyone is at different stages in their life and training, so you can't really miss out, but simply pick up from where you left off :)

i messed up and put my response in the middle of the quote, so here it is again: yes, i have had that feeling of missing out before... there's also the feeling that at this rate i'm not gonna progress very fast. i need to start doing more at home... i used to but i've been lazy about it more recently. thanks for the feedback :)