Having a predatory killer instinct mentality is far more important in being a warrior than physical skills and physical fitness


Yellow Belt
Dec 20, 2023
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I noticed something interesting. Anyways, I am not trolling. I am just noticing something interesting.

Athletes of gridiron football, lacrosse, hockey, soccer, baseball, and basketball especially the ones from highschool are LITERALLY the toughest and most badass people in the whole world.

They're even far more badass than pure martial artists, pure combat sports athletes, and pure military soldiers.

Do you agree with me?

I mean think about this. The legendary MMA fighter Jon Jones was mostly a gridiron football athlete in highschool. George St. Pierre was mostly a hockey player in highschool.

Also, the founder of the Navy Seals was a hardcore gridiron football player. He was an aggressive rebellious delinquent bastard.

Anyways, my point is that athletes of gridiron football, lacrosse, hockey, soccer, baseball, and basketball especially the ones from highschool LITERALLY make the best combat sports athletes and the best military soldiers.

Why is this?

Is it because athletes of gridiron football, lacrosse, hockey, soccer, baseball, and basketball especially the ones from highschool TEND TO BE testosterone-filled aggressive hypermasculine hypersexual tough guy alpha males thugs?

Also, it is a well-known fact that athletes of gridiron football, lacrosse, hockey, soccer, baseball, and basketball tend to be bullies in highschool so that means they have a kill or be killed dog eats dog predatory killer instinct mentality compared to pure martial artists and combat sports athletes.

Athletes of gridiron football, lacrosse, hockey, soccer, baseball, and basketball tend to be bullies in highschool are more prone to conflict and are far more experienced in conflict than anyone else in the whole universe.

It also explains the reason why Mike Tyson is history's best boxer and that is because he was a hardcore street criminal gang member in his youth.

MMA, Boxing, Wrestling, and martial arts especially the professional arenas tend to have the most criminal gang members compared to any other sports.

Also, it is indeed true that most elite martial artists such are pimps(like Andrew Tate), thieves, drug dealers(like Lee Murray), robbers(like Viacheslav Datsik), pregnant woman-attackers(like Jon Jones), wife beaters(like Floyd Mayweather Jr.), pedophiles(like Hermes Franca), rapists(like Aleksander Emelianenko), contract-killers(like Amar Suloev), children-beaters(like Neil Magny), thuggish homophobes(like the Gracie family), and highschool bullies.

Also, highschool athletes of gridiron football, lacrosse, hockey, soccer, baseball, and basketball tend to become college frat boys in college. College frat boys are literally tough guys who engage in gang war style violence with other college fraternities as well as other people. College frat boys are literally tough guys. College frat boys are also dangerous alpha males as evidenced by the fact they frequently rape females in college frat houses.

So why do athletes of gridiron football, lacrosse, hockey, soccer, baseball, and basketball especially the ones from highschool TEND TO BE far better combat sports athletes compared to pure combat sports athletes?

Why do athletes of gridiron football, lacrosse, hockey, soccer, baseball, and basketball especially the ones from highschool TEND TO BE far better combat sports athletes compared to those who only trained in combat sports and martial arts?

Why do athletes of gridiron football, lacrosse, hockey, soccer, baseball, and basketball especially the ones from highschool TEND TO BE far better military soldiers compared to those who only trained as military soldiers?

Does this mean that bullies and thugs make the best warriors?

Does this mean that having a predatory killer instinct mindset is far more important in the long run than having physical skills and physical fitness? I believe this. After all, humans are just animal apes deep down. Humans evolved from prehistoric apes.

This predatory killer instinct mentality that I am talking about is this innate power-hungry and innate merciless ferocious tough mentality that is biological. It's been with you since you were a baby in your mom's womb. This killer instinct are things like testosterone, innate dark triad personality traits(Machiavellianism, Narcissism, Psychopathy), etc. This is how physical nature built humans and other prehistoric apes to be tough especially as survivors and conquerors. This killer instinct is how the alpha males of humans become the toughest and how they establish pecking orders similar to the ones found in other apes(chimps, etc.).

What about you? Do you agree with me? I am not trolling. I am just noticing facts.

You want to be the toughest warrior in history? Well before you start training in martial arts or any warrior training, you have to embrace that innate primal predatory killer instinct that has been within you since birth. That innate primal killer instinct mentality has been the ultimate weapon of humanity and their prehistoric ape ancestors for like FOREVER.
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I think you are confusing anime with real life....and have little understanding of sports.... not a whole lot of killings during a sports event these days....
As misguided as it may be, there is a point to this.
At a certain level, skill levels even out and the low hanging fruit is all gone. At that point physical preparation becomes the deciding factor.
Then at an even higher level, everybody is more or less just as skilled, their bodies are all the same shape and the only deciding factor left is sheer will. Not 'predatory killer instinct' though. Having a 'predatory killer instinct mentality' is not a good way to live your life. It's also not very sporting.
I think you are confusing anime with real life....and have little understanding of sports.... not a whole lot of killings during a sports event these days....
Killings? They may not be killers but they are indeed aggressive tough predatory people.
As misguided as it may be, there is a point to this.
At a certain level, skill levels even out and the low hanging fruit is all gone. At that point physical preparation becomes the deciding factor.
Then at an even higher level, everybody is more or less just as skilled, their bodies are all the same shape and the only deciding factor left is sheer will. Not 'predatory killer instinct' though. Having a 'predatory killer instinct mentality' is not a good way to live your life. It's also not very sporting.
Then explain to me why the best MMA fighters tend to be testosterone-filled brutes who get into all sorts of trouble such as crime, etc.

I am not advocating to be an *******. I am just saying facts.
I think you are confusing anime with real life....and have little understanding of sports.... not a whole lot of killings during a sports event these days....
I never said anything about anime. What are you talking about?
I don't think he's a troll as such, he just needs to grow up.
If you think that all successful people in the world are good people. That's just being naive. Good doesn't always win against evil. Most of the time, evil wins.
Then explain to me why the best MMA fighters tend to be testosterone-filled brutes who get into all sorts of trouble such as crime, etc.

I am not advocating to be an *******. I am just saying facts.
That's simply not true. For every 'testosterone filled brute', there are several good sportsmen who have a positive attitude towards training.
Besides, people get the wrong idea about testosterone. If you look at our close relatives, the great apes, the biggest most dominant silverback gorillas tend to be the gentlest and the most loving and tolerant fathers. They don't have anything to prove, I guess
As misguided as it may be, there is a point to this.
At a certain level, skill levels even out and the low hanging fruit is all gone. At that point physical preparation becomes the deciding factor.
Then at an even higher level, everybody is more or less just as skilled, their bodies are all the same shape and the only deciding factor left is sheer will. Not 'predatory killer instinct' though. Having a 'predatory killer instinct mentality' is not a good way to live your life. It's also not very sporting.
No. Why do you think nerds tend lose fights against highschool gridiron football bullies even after learning karate, boxing, and judo?

Because nerds are not aggressive and always tend to be on the defensive while gridiron football bullies are aggressive and always go for the offensive.

Nerds don't have a killer instinct mentality.
I'm aware this is pointless to respond to, but I'm bored

Athletes of gridiron football, lacrosse, hockey, soccer, baseball, and basketball especially the ones from highschool are LITERALLY the toughest and most badass people in the whole world.
You know you don't have to repeat each of the sports you consider worthy each time, right?

Do you agree with me?

I mean think about this. The legendary MMA fighter Jon Jones was mostly a gridiron football athlete in highschool. George St. Pierre was mostly a hockey player in highschool.
And Ali only did boxing and track, so I guess he doesn't count. But most athletically gifted people in the US did some form of popular sport in high school, that's correlation not causation.

Also, the founder of the Navy Seals was a hardcore gridiron football player. He was an aggressive rebellious delinquent bastard.

So? I thought military soldiers aren't the most badass so why does that matter?

Also, it is a well-known fact that athletes of gridiron football, lacrosse, hockey, soccer, baseball, and basketball tend to be bullies in highschool
Is it? Or is that just the movies?

so that means they have a kill or be killed dog eats dog predatory killer instinct mentality compared to pure martial artists and combat sports athletes.
So even if you're right that their bullies, bullying someone now = having a predatory killer instinct?

Athletes of gridiron football, lacrosse, hockey, soccer, baseball, and basketball tend to be bullies in highschool are more prone to conflict and are far more experienced in conflict than anyone else in the whole universe.
Anyone else? Genghis khan might like a word.

It also explains the reason why Mike Tyson is history's best boxer and that is because he was a hardcore street criminal gang member in his youth.
Wait I thought this was about sports. What does him being in a gang have to do with anything? Besides, aren't sports people more badass than gang members?

Also, it is indeed true that most elite martial artists such are pimps(like Andrew Tate), thieves, drug dealers(like Lee Murray), robbers(like Viacheslav Datsik), pregnant woman-attackers(like Jon Jones), wife beaters(like Floyd Mayweather Jr.), pedophiles(like Hermes Franca), rapists(like Aleksander Emelianenko), contract-killers(like Amar Suloev), children-beaters(like Neil Magny), thuggish homophobes(like the Gracie family), and highschool bullies.

So being a bully is the same as being a contract killer? And since all high school athletes are bullies, that means they're all contract killers, rapists, pedophiles, etc? Did I understand that right?

Also, highschool athletes of gridiron football, lacrosse, hockey, soccer, baseball, and basketball tend to become college frat boys in college. College frat boys are literally tough guys who engage in gang war style violence with other college fraternities as well as other people. College frat boys are literally tough guys.
As opposed to the literal gang members? You understand that not all gang members are college frat boys right? And many athletes don't go to college or join frats?

College frat boys are also dangerous alpha males as evidenced by the fact they frequently rape females in college frat houses.
This depends a lot on what you consider frequent. I also don't think you need to be tough to get a women 100 pounds lighter than you drunk at a party and have your way with her. Immoral yes, but tough?

So why do athletes of gridiron football, lacrosse, hockey, soccer, baseball, and basketball especially the ones from highschool TEND TO BE far better combat sports athletes compared to pure combat sports athletes?

Why do athletes of gridiron football, lacrosse, hockey, soccer, baseball, and basketball especially the ones from highschool TEND TO BE far better combat sports athletes compared to those who only trained in combat sports and martial arts?

Why do athletes of gridiron football, lacrosse, hockey, soccer, baseball, and basketball especially the ones from highschool TEND TO BE far better military soldiers compared to those who only trained as military soldiers?

Most of the extraordinarily gifted athletes play more than one sport growing up. So you see less pure combat sports. And people who have been doing a sport since young (regardless if it's boxing/wrestling or something else) will have a good base level of fitness.

Does this mean that having a predatory killer instinct mindset is far more important in the long run than having physical skills and physical fitness? I believe this. After all, humans are just animal apes deep down. Humans evolved from prehistoric apes.
In the long run, or for survival? In the long run, no. For survival in specific situations, having a killer instinct might be more important. Not gonna say you need it to be predatory though.

I am just noticing facts.
I don't think that facts means what you think it means.

Anyways, listen to this important video below:

You know anime is not real life right? Not sure why that qualifies as important.
Besides, professional clackledockers are some of the nicest guys around
Should I believe you? You're just like that highschool coach who would turn a blind eye to the bullyings and rapes that your gridiron football athletes commit and then you would call them chivalrous.

You also just laugh at the bullyings that they commit.

These one-liner statements of yours has no reason or proof within them. You're just worshiping these people like fans do.