haven't been here in a minute


2nd Black Belt
Its been a wile since I have been here. My computer for a wired reason won't let me post...(speaking of my home computer) I also took like a 3 week brake from MA. Now I am all rusty and i really don't like feeling this way so I am going to class more than my regular twice a week classes.

I'll be getting promoted soon to Junior Student, really excited about that. Also I will prolly be going to a Tournny soon so that will be awesome. But other than that nothing much has been going on. I got xbox live been playing Halo 2 and Mechassult2 both awesome games. doing well in school passing everything. i have a clan on the two Xbox games and we have a web site at www.evilnet.tk (had to give a shameless plug there) Played the game fight club and gave it a 1 out of 5 stars didn't like it at all. concept was good but other than that don't buy it. Anywho I will see you guys later, i g2g to lunch now.
I've known others to take breaks from training also and feel terrible not going - generally speaking, that is. Physically, emotionally, mentally - it becomes hard to focus, etcetera. Always feel better going back.

So, may I ask why the break? Have already gone back or do you plan to soon?
I am back in full force. I only took a brake for the holiday season. i do feel better going back, although I sparred for the first time in like 2 months yesterday and I hurt my knee. But it feels great, I miss the feeling of getting back up and keep on going. As i mentioned before i am to be promoted to senior student soon and I got to get everything up to par before the ceremony. I will not accept the honor if I do not feel like I have earned it.

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