Have you seen "The Secret: Law of Attraction" ...


I was talking to a friend just last night and she said that I need to see "The Secret." At the time we were talking about the potential of the human body, the power of positive thinking, that type of thing. Think you were both talking about the same "Secret"?

I was talking to a friend just last night and she said that I need to see "The Secret." At the time we were talking about the potential of the human body, the power of positive thinking, that type of thing. Think you were both talking about the same "Secret"?

Yes, I would venture to guess that it is the same "Secret" ... it's all about mind over matter.
This is the first I've heard of it. It looks very interesting. If I have time I may watch the full version online.
I saw part of the movie and had to turn it off. I HATE BS like this. They make this "law of attraction" sound like a person's thoughts are actually sending out a REAL "force" that attracts "events" to a person. This is basically like saying that, "if something bad happens, it's your fault."

And it is too bad because it takes something positive, like self-empowerment, and it turns into into a psuedoscientific religion that denies that bad luck exists.

I would like to see how this so-called "secret" would apply to a mom who had a kid with Down Syndrome or Autism. I'm sure the mom must have been thinking some really negative thoughts for something like THAT to have happened.

And it is too bad because it takes something positive, like self-empowerment, and it turns into into a psuedoscientific religion that denies that bad luck exists.
It's too bad that you didn't watch the whole thing, because you might have discovered that this isn't the real theme. I don't think the movie meant to point the finger at people for their own bad luck, however, I will suggest that a great deal of people 'suffer' in this world because they have an unfortunate viewpoint - be that perpetual negativity, the inability to be confident in their abilities, or things of that nature. If you don't believe with your whole heart that you can achieve some specific 'stretch' goal, you'll never get there. Why? You won't try. Why would you waste your time on something that you don't believe that you can achieve? In the real world, there are countless people working beneath their level because they don't believe they can do better, people who live in abusive relationships because they don't believe they can get out of them, people who suffer financially because they have addictions, people who work for 'the man' and hate it, fearful of taking the risk and becoming an entrepreneur (though they may have the skill to pull it off). This happens all the time. So, are these people the cause of their own suffering? Absolutely, and without question.

I think that the premise behind the Secret is reasonable. I don't think that the "Law of Attraction" and the existence of random luck (good or bad) are mutually exclusive.

I found the Secret to make perfect sense. It completely reconciles with my worldview. It's completely believable both on the surface, as well as at deeper levels. For example, if I spend some time everyday not just visualizing something that I want, but attempting to experience it in my imagination, my mind becomes tricked into thinking that I'm being rewarded with something I want, and releases dopamine. That dopamine stimulates the creative part of my brain. So now, I've created the conditions where there is something very specific on my mind, with frequency, that I really want, and my creativity is stimulated with those images fresh in my mind. If I do this often enough, eventually I'm going to start thinking of ways to make that thing happen. Because that's what I'm focusing my mind upon.
I thought the production and message delivery method were a little froo. It's made in the same style as "What the bleep do we know", which took some decent ideas, and presented them on a fouled canvas. I think they did the same thing here, by providing some good info from questionable sources...Ramtha's newest channeler? A minister of his own, bling-based religion? C'mon. At least "Rabbit hole" had some Physics profs and modern philosophers of some repute.

Belief absolutley influences perception; if you don't believe a thing is possible, you're not going to spot the opportunities that present to pursue that thing. You'll lack the persistence necessary to chase it down, because...why bother? It's not possible. What the movie at least does is to invite people to open the doors of perception to opportunities as they arise, giving the viewer permission to spot and chase openings they might not otherwise have seen.

Stay focused, and open to the possibilities,

The victim mentality of our society is so pervasive; it is about time someone comes along to point out that the ancient wisdoms that put the burden on the individual is not such a bad thing.
The film makes the common points regarding goal setting and positive thinking and these are well and good. Certain, however, they are not some super secret ancient wisdom that has suddenly been unveiled...

My point is this...There are just some circumstances that cannot be overcome. No amount of positive thinking or "belief" is going to change those things. Understanding this isn't being a "victim" to your circumstances, it is a healthy appraisal of the real world.

All of this self help hocus pocus pretends like that stuff doesn't exist and it just gets tiresome after a while.

And yes, I have seen the entire movie.