Hatsumi "muto dori DVD review..


Blue Belt
This is one of the best displays of Takagi Yoshin ryugi on muto dori I have seen and the best on muto dori from any Japanese martial arts tape I have seen.
Hatsumi sensei is very good and the control of the timing and distance is wonderful to watch.
The over all demos of the ryuha gata are done very well..
Covered are the 'daisho sabaki gata' and the 'muto dori gata'.

It is a 60 min DVD...
1 give it a 10 out of 10 for content..
I give it 10 out of 10 on color, music and editing.

This is well worth your money and I loved the VHS tape now DVD makes it even better to watch.

ralph severe, kamiyama
A good TYR movie? as you may know, I am obsessed with TYRJ......It is the perfect art for me. what I have learned from TYRJ, I have taken so deeply. I am interested in this DVD.

K Elliott Tai
Yes, a very good Takagi Yoshin ryu movie.

I also enjoy the system of Takagi Yoshin ryu as taught by Hatsumi sensei.
I would also have to say the ryugi are wonderful and very complete with a great history.
I do feel the ryu needs a great deal of nejutsu that is not in the ryugi from what I understand the ryu to be.
I started training is this ryuha in 1989 from Manaka sensei.

ralph severe, kamiyama