Has anyone tried breaking an Egg in the palm of your hand?

I cannot. I must lift more weights.
I think there's more to it than just strength. I'm able to squeeze an egg until it pops, but I've only been able to do it when when I move my energy from my root into my hand. I tried to break it just by using strength and I fail every time. It's like trying to pop a stone. I don't know if what I'm assuming is really happening or if I'm just breaking it with grip strength.
I crack walnuts with my hands it is training for when I crush my daughter's boyfriend's nuts she is two now I have 88 more years to perfect this skill.
I crack walnuts with my hands it is training for when I crush my daughter's boyfriend's nuts she is two now I have 88 more years to perfect this skill.
very good skill to have.
Today I watched my son try to break an egg in his hand and that was one of the most entertaining things I've seen in a while. Young people don't have that limitation that adults put on themselves, so I watched him for about 10 minutes trying to break the egg in the palm of his hand. He probably would have continued for 30 more minutes if I didn't have him put the egg back into the fridge. I like how something as fragile as an egg would be so difficult to break when trying to break it in the palm of your hand.
oaktree, take your pointer finger and curl it in like a cup. Use your thumb to squeeze in on the knuckle. for 25cents you can buy a bouncy ball. Practice. Bone on bone, and a **** of a pinch. Its also useful for pinching muscle or holding a doorknob to keep it from turning.
My chickens tend to break a lot unless I collect them quickly after laying.

Take their pliers away from them. :)

Could it be diet? When I was a youngster I hardly ever lost an egg to the mother hens. We did feed them corn or other chicken seeds sometimes, but mostly just let them roam as they desired.
Take their pliers away from them. :)

Could it be diet? When I was a youngster I hardly ever lost an egg to the mother hens. We did feed them corn or other chicken seeds sometimes, but mostly just let them roam as they desired.

They need grit/calcium. If they get a taste for a broken egg they eat them. Had one meter monitor lizard eating both eggs and chickens last year.
It never occurred to me that it would be a hard task. Now I want to try it for curiosity's sake, but I don't want to waste a good egg or get yolk all over my hand if I succeed.
Just the palm, or also using your fingers? When I worked in a restaurant years ago, IIRC the cook could break an egg one-handed, but I think he was squishing it between his thumb and fingers, not squeezing with just his palm.
It never occurred to me that it would be a hard task. Now I want to try it for curiosity's sake, but I don't want to waste a good egg or get yolk all over my hand if I succeed.
It's surprisingly difficult but not impossible. Most people cheat by digging their fingertips into the egg. If you are truly squeezing the egg then it will make a pop sound and not a crack sound, and yolk will fly everywhere; think of it as an exploding egg. instant scrambled eggs.

I found these videos for you.

Just the palm, or also using your fingers? When I worked in a restaurant years ago, IIRC the cook could break an egg one-handed, but I think he was squishing it between his thumb and fingers, not squeezing with just his palm.
only using the palm.
I haven't done the egg thing since the fifties when my dad showed me. But it was with two hands, both palms, and only the long way. Watching JowGaWolf's video I just realized it also applies to the other way.
And people wonder why I love this place.

When my dad showed me it was the result of a question I asked. He had me squeezing with all my might, then said, "Turn it in your hands a bit".....and BOOM, egg went all over the place. Which I had to clean up. :)
Alright, I'm kind of curious. How exactly does this work, and how does one hold the egg? Any use of the fingers is going to make this a lot easier. But where does that definition stop? The first knuckles? The second? The third? The finger tips? Do I keep my fingers straight, extended, or cupped in? I'm just curious how you would get consistent results across a wide range of people. I can hardly see how one could do this just with the palm alone, as, it would be hard to even grip the egg tightly enough to keep it from slipping out of the hand, much less apply any force, without some of use of the fingers.
Alright, I'm kind of curious. How exactly does this work, and how does one hold the egg? Any use of the fingers is going to make this a lot easier. But where does that definition stop? The first knuckles? The second? The third? The finger tips? Do I keep my fingers straight, extended, or cupped in? I'm just curious how you would get consistent results across a wide range of people. I can hardly see how one could do this just with the palm alone, as, it would be hard to even grip the egg tightly enough to keep it from slipping out of the hand, much less apply any force, without some of use of the fingers.
You can use the fingers to squeeze just don't dig the finger tips into the egg.