Thanks Paul and same to ye. you don't know of any shaleilee (sp) defense techniques do you?;)
Happy St. Paddy's to all the rest of you folk with some Irish in you somewhere! Are for those of you who haven't got ANY at all, have a good one anyway!:cheers:

If you :drinkbeer try not to:barf: too much. Remember we all have to go to work (or school [grrr]) tomorrow!;)
Then it must be march 18th-

For once I used common sense and trained instead of boozing. Trained hard. Sore.

I will probably be stiff & awkward tomorrow, and they'll say- "looks like Jill's hung over". B@st@rds.

I'm pretty happy though, my training partner & I both bumped up our weight today. :D

Now I'm having a well-earned brew before bed- ugh. I do in fact hate getting up at 5am. It's just wrong.

On the plus side it was WARM & SUNNY today- almost 60 degrees!

I chopped up some stubborn black carbon-drenched snow to melt. Hope this weather isn't just a tease :cool:

Hope everyone had a good day, and didn't need to :barf:
I had a few, but not enough to :barf: I only had four. Last night I had eight LOL. Still not enough for a hung over morning LOL
Originally posted by theletch1
you don't know of any shaleilee (sp) defense techniques do you?;)

Being a good Irish Boy as I am, I do happen to have a shillelagh... Its about 3 feet long and has a knob on the top similar to a golf club head... I would Say many Hapkido Cane techniques as well as many Hanbo techniques would work well with that... or, I suppose if one turns it over and knows any "Combat Golf Club" Techniques, it REALLLLLLY is very similar to a golf club when Upside down.... :D
Maybe somebody could tell an old scandinavian what St. Patricks Day is?

We dont have this day.

Elaborate please....

Originally posted by Yari
Maybe somebody could tell an old scandinavian what St. Patricks Day is?

We dont have this day.

Elaborate please....


Its the day where the Irish go out and get drunk and have fun, or as the rest of the world call it........monday :rofl:

In all seriouness I have no clue.....:confused:
The day is supposed to represent a celebration of the day that Patrick drove the snakes from Ireland. Depending upon your understanding of the story behind this, that means a couple things. It has always been my belief that the version of the driving out of the Snakes referring to the driving out of Pagans from Ireland to pave way for Catholicism was probably accurate... But thats just me.
St. Patrick's day has a reputation for being more about people dressing in green and getting drunk in Irish pubs. At least in the Boston area.