Happy New Year!


MT Mentor
As a representative of one of the first countries in the world to celebrate the passing of the old and the introduction of the new, I feel it to be my solemn duty to lead off and wish all on MT a happy and prosperous New Year. Thank you all for the inspirational, challenging, educational and just plain entertaining discussions we have enjoyed over the past year.

When the countdown begins in a few minutes, when it gets to about 3 seconds, everyone chamber your left leg for a front kick.

That way, we'll all start 2014 off on the right foot.

Happy New Year, my friends!!!!!
We're still an hour and 10 minutes from the New Year, but I hope it is an excellent one for everyone.

Sadly, we're spending New Years Eve in the ER. Only one assault so far (and I'm pretty sure it was his wife that whupped him) but the night is young...

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