Happy Birthday, USMC!


Senior Master
Aug 30, 2006
Reaction score
Olathe, KS
On 10 November, 1775, my Marine Corps came alive. Happy birthday to all Devildogs past and present, and here's to another 231 years!
OOH RAH! Kinda ironic that the Corps was born in a tavern, eh? I'll add my happy birthday wishes to yours for all our brethren, past and present, in the Corps.
Happy Birthday USMC and all you jarheads out there - especially my favorite hard-headed one! :asian:
http://hqinet001.hqmc.usmc.mil/HD/Home_Page.htm Check out a little of the very rich history of my beloved Corps if you're interested. The old saying goes "Once a Marine, always a Marine" and I've found that, for the most part, that's true. Doesn't matter what era you belonged if you run across another former or current Leatherneck there's an immediate connection and the old comraderie shines through.
It's that time of year again. Happy birthday to all my Marine brothers and sisters, past and present. Tonight I will raise a toast to those currently serving worldwide to keep us safe, and say a prayer for their safe return. God bless you all, we love you. Ooh-rah!
Ooh-rah jarheads. I was stationeed in Philly when they razed Tun's Tavern.
Where's Steve on a thread like this????

Oo-Rah, USMC!