Happy Birthday Sifu Augustine Fong


Senior Master
Just a shout out (yeah long time no type ;) ). My Guro/Sifu teaches TWC (along with Inosanto Kali of course) now but his first Sifu was Sifu Fong and to quote my Sifu...

"TODAY is the birthday of my first Wing Chun teacher Sifu Augustine Fong

I learned real speed from this humble Master."

Happy Birthday Sifu, if you are reading
You can't be a long time WC enthusiast in Arizona without having some contact with Fong Sifu. A true gentleman and great asset to the art. Happy birthday, and may he enjoy many more!
Happy Birthday Fong Sifu! For Some reason Fong Sifu always reminded me of the Mr Miyagi type martial arts teacher
Fong Sifu is a great asset to the state of arizona. Much respect to him and his many students!!

...and I'd like to see more of them ^^^^ posting on here. We haven't heard from Joy in a while. Sort of the Professor Emeritus of WC here in the Phoenix metro area. I miss his input and hope he's in good health.

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