Happy Birth Day Martial Talk

Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Martial Talk's Birthday is today, August first.

It all began back in the year 2001.

Happy Birthday and congratulations to all of our wonderful members who help make this what it is.


Rich Parsons
Martial Talk
Assistant Operational Administrator
Is there cake? Happy Birthday to a three year old MT! Or is that dog-years? Any case, it is a milestone. Support MartialTalk, become a member and you will be the reason it becomes better. TW
Happy birthday.

This forum has sure grown in its few years. Lets hope that it continues to grow and is always the best on the net.
Happy Birthday Martial Talk, the friendly martial arts forum!!!! May you have many many more!!!!!

Kenpo Mama :)
Happy birthday MT!

I'm new here, but have been on quiet a few forums over the last few years, I like what I see.

Hope it doesn't suffer the same fate as other larger forums...
Happy Birthday MT... been here only a few days, but really like what I see

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