Happy Birfday, me.

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Age 48 today. Don't feel it, I feel good. I'm (temporarily) at home in NC with my family, and life is good.

Weight still dropping - weighed 237 this morning (down from 288 in May).

Blood glucose last night was 87. Down from 312 in late May when I was first diagnosed with diabetes. Blood pressure is 110/76, down from 140/90 in May. Pulse still high, @76 resting.

Got a great pair of bag gloves from my wife, and she also gave me an Ipod Touch. Wow, what a pair of fantastic gifts! I've never had an Ipod type device before - I tried early PDA's long ago, and while they were cool when I traveled for a living, I stopped using them when I got a 'day job' and now they seem altogether primitive compared to the Ipod Touch. The phrase "there's an app for that" has actual meaning to me now. I have news, weather, road directions, contacts, I can monitor my apartment in MI's webcam (so cool) and I even found free apps for monitoring my blood glucose, weight, blood pressure, etc, plus a free Japanese phrasebook with a voice speaking so I know what the words should sound like. Ah, I'm lost in geekitude.

Karate tonight in Tarboro at my 'visiting' dojo. Life is good. Except I'm working today. At least I can work from home.
Happy Birthday Bill and way to go with he wieght.:-partyon::-partyon::-partyon:
Happy Birthday to you! So glad you got to spend it at home.

One of these days I hope to meet up with you all, if we're ever both in NC at the same time...LOL!
Happy Birthday to you! So glad you got to spend it at home.

One of these days I hope to meet up with you all, if we're ever both in NC at the same time...LOL!

I'm in a little town called 'Wilson' on the Eastern Coastal Plains, but I'm only home twice a year, usually at Christmas and July 4. If we can ever sell our house here, we'll be moving the whole wagon train north to MI permanently. At least, that's the plan.
Herzlichen gluckwunch zum geburtstag!

Sounds like you've turned the corner, health wise. Very good news, indeed.
Happy Birthday! :-partyon:

Keeping up with your health is not an easy task, by any means. Its so easy to put the lbs. on and so hard to take 'em off. Glad to hear things are looking up for you! Keep up the good work! :ultracool
Wow! Right on!

Great work on those accomplishments and Happy (indeed) Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday, Bill. I am glad to hear things are looking up for you. Thanks for the up date. Good job.
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you happy birthday to Bill! Happy birthday to you, and many more!

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