Something for the print/save for next year files.
I just got this else I'd posted it way earlier for ya'll to try. Some of these are rather inventive, some... :lol: just down right mean.
April Fools Jokes
1. Record an evening of TV on the night of the lottery drawing one week. Make sure to record the lottery drawing also. Buy lottery tickets for the following week drawings with the numbers drawn on the night you recorded it. Invite a friend over to watch TV that night (works better if you know they didn't watch TV the week before). Ask them to buy half your lottery ticket and you'll share the winnings 50/50. Play the tape instead of actually watching the programmed TV shows. When the lottery drawing is held (on your tape) have them hold the ticket and check the numbers. Watch their reaction.
2. When they've left their desk, make a screen capture (print screen) of the person's desktop (preferably with a program open). Go into Windows Paint program and paste. Save as a bmp. Load the picture as the person's background. Sit back and watch them double clicking and rebooting fruitlessly. (Note: you can also create a bmp of an entire black screen and do the same. The mouse moves, but there's nothing to click on if you hide the icons!)
3. Obtain the telephone number of your local zoo, then give the number to the person you wish to fool and tell him/her that Mr. Lyon called and wishes you to return the call.
4. Jack up and then block up the rear wheels of a car so that they are about 1/4" off the ground. Then stand back and watch as the owner tries to drive away
5. Get Plastic clear rap....pick up the toilet seat...spread a large sheet of the plastic rap over the tile of the toilet, then place seat back down
6. Going through the control panel, you reset the backgrounds to white and the text to white. The screen appears blank and can't be fixed unless you know where the buttons are located.
7. Turn all the clocks and watches in the house forward one hour. Spouses get up earlier for work, kids get to school an hour earlier. You sit back and relax for that extra hour.
8. Fill oreos with toothpaste in the middle and give it to someone to eat.
9. Here is a great joke to play on april fools day or any other time you have an opportunity. To prepare for this you need to take a video camera and record 5 or 10 minutes of video of the toilet in your bathroom. When you have a group of people at your house wait on someone to get up and go to the restrooom. While they are in the restroom play the video taped you prepared earlier and have everyone in the room start laughing hysterically. When that person comes back from the restroom, they will see everyone watching what looks to be a camera on the restroom and laughing hysterically........Then watch them blush.
10. make someone a cake with chocolate icing all around it but the cake will really be cornbread
11. I'll bet you can't recreate this for the web, but it's a funny story: The sidewalk in front of the city courthouse in Providence, RI is a no parking zone. Yet, the Providence police officers always park their cruisers there when they make court appearances. Hence the side of the road is always lined with police cruisers. On April fools' day 1997, someone used a Scanner, printer, some graphics software, and an X-Acto to create a dozen perfect recreations of a Providence traffic ticket: Orange envelope and everything. During his lunch hour, he walked down to the courthouse and placed a fake ticket on each winshield of each cruiser parked along the sidewalk. Of course, it did not take long for the officers to realize that their tickets were fakes, but, regardless, the sidewalk was empty the next day!
12. Go to someones computer, do a "print screen" of their desktop. Paste it to a *.bmp and then save it in their settings as a background. They will try for hours to click on stuff that just ain't there!! Its great fun to watch. (I used to work as a PC tech and we used to do this to clients we hated)
13. You know the sprayer on the side of most sinks? If you put an elastic band around the push button of the sprayer, and face the sprayer forwards...the next person to turn on the faucet will get soaked. Obviously can't be done on the web, but funny just as well, as long as you don't forget and turn the water on next.
14. The last time the Missouri Powerball reached an outrageous amount, my boss decide to play around a little. All of the guys I work with went in together and bought several powerball tickets and gave them to our boss to hold onto. He found out the winning powerball numbers from the previous night's drawing for a multi-million dollar jackpot and bought a new ticket for the next drawing using the same numbers. Before any of us had gotten the chance to check the numbers he raced into the office and presented the "winning ticket". Needless to say, we thought we'd won. With the whole office raising all kinds of hell and deciding how we were going to spend our portion of the prize (one of us, who shall remain nameless, even called the lottery office to find out how to claim the prize), our boss sat very still and calm. Finally, he let us in on the joke. Just a note: He no longer works there.
15. Present the phrase "You have just entered our website, for admission will take all your files. do you accept?"
16. Put clear tape over the phone so that when it rings and someone picks it up, it will just keep ringing.
I just got this else I'd posted it way earlier for ya'll to try. Some of these are rather inventive, some... :lol: just down right mean.
April Fools Jokes
1. Record an evening of TV on the night of the lottery drawing one week. Make sure to record the lottery drawing also. Buy lottery tickets for the following week drawings with the numbers drawn on the night you recorded it. Invite a friend over to watch TV that night (works better if you know they didn't watch TV the week before). Ask them to buy half your lottery ticket and you'll share the winnings 50/50. Play the tape instead of actually watching the programmed TV shows. When the lottery drawing is held (on your tape) have them hold the ticket and check the numbers. Watch their reaction.
2. When they've left their desk, make a screen capture (print screen) of the person's desktop (preferably with a program open). Go into Windows Paint program and paste. Save as a bmp. Load the picture as the person's background. Sit back and watch them double clicking and rebooting fruitlessly. (Note: you can also create a bmp of an entire black screen and do the same. The mouse moves, but there's nothing to click on if you hide the icons!)
3. Obtain the telephone number of your local zoo, then give the number to the person you wish to fool and tell him/her that Mr. Lyon called and wishes you to return the call.
4. Jack up and then block up the rear wheels of a car so that they are about 1/4" off the ground. Then stand back and watch as the owner tries to drive away
5. Get Plastic clear rap....pick up the toilet seat...spread a large sheet of the plastic rap over the tile of the toilet, then place seat back down
6. Going through the control panel, you reset the backgrounds to white and the text to white. The screen appears blank and can't be fixed unless you know where the buttons are located.
7. Turn all the clocks and watches in the house forward one hour. Spouses get up earlier for work, kids get to school an hour earlier. You sit back and relax for that extra hour.
8. Fill oreos with toothpaste in the middle and give it to someone to eat.
9. Here is a great joke to play on april fools day or any other time you have an opportunity. To prepare for this you need to take a video camera and record 5 or 10 minutes of video of the toilet in your bathroom. When you have a group of people at your house wait on someone to get up and go to the restrooom. While they are in the restroom play the video taped you prepared earlier and have everyone in the room start laughing hysterically. When that person comes back from the restroom, they will see everyone watching what looks to be a camera on the restroom and laughing hysterically........Then watch them blush.
10. make someone a cake with chocolate icing all around it but the cake will really be cornbread
11. I'll bet you can't recreate this for the web, but it's a funny story: The sidewalk in front of the city courthouse in Providence, RI is a no parking zone. Yet, the Providence police officers always park their cruisers there when they make court appearances. Hence the side of the road is always lined with police cruisers. On April fools' day 1997, someone used a Scanner, printer, some graphics software, and an X-Acto to create a dozen perfect recreations of a Providence traffic ticket: Orange envelope and everything. During his lunch hour, he walked down to the courthouse and placed a fake ticket on each winshield of each cruiser parked along the sidewalk. Of course, it did not take long for the officers to realize that their tickets were fakes, but, regardless, the sidewalk was empty the next day!
12. Go to someones computer, do a "print screen" of their desktop. Paste it to a *.bmp and then save it in their settings as a background. They will try for hours to click on stuff that just ain't there!! Its great fun to watch. (I used to work as a PC tech and we used to do this to clients we hated)
13. You know the sprayer on the side of most sinks? If you put an elastic band around the push button of the sprayer, and face the sprayer forwards...the next person to turn on the faucet will get soaked. Obviously can't be done on the web, but funny just as well, as long as you don't forget and turn the water on next.
14. The last time the Missouri Powerball reached an outrageous amount, my boss decide to play around a little. All of the guys I work with went in together and bought several powerball tickets and gave them to our boss to hold onto. He found out the winning powerball numbers from the previous night's drawing for a multi-million dollar jackpot and bought a new ticket for the next drawing using the same numbers. Before any of us had gotten the chance to check the numbers he raced into the office and presented the "winning ticket". Needless to say, we thought we'd won. With the whole office raising all kinds of hell and deciding how we were going to spend our portion of the prize (one of us, who shall remain nameless, even called the lottery office to find out how to claim the prize), our boss sat very still and calm. Finally, he let us in on the joke. Just a note: He no longer works there.
15. Present the phrase "You have just entered our website, for admission will take all your files. do you accept?"
16. Put clear tape over the phone so that when it rings and someone picks it up, it will just keep ringing.