Happy anniversary to MT


MT Senior Moderator
Staff member
Lifetime Supporting Member
Apr 19, 2007
Reaction score
Lives in Delaware
August 1st 2001 started this awesome web site. Today is the anniversary of the best, and most informative martial arts site, on the information highway, today. Congratulations.
As a member of the current mod team -- Wow! MT today is built on what others started years ago.

And it's members in general that make it a great place, from that guy who's just started lurking today (You know who you are; register and quit lurking!) to Terry and his competitors for post whoring... we all contribute in our own way, and the place wouldn't be the same without all of you!
Happy Anniversary MT

:partyon: :partyon::partyon::partyon::partyon::partyon:
May Martial Talk enjoy the best success for the now and future generations!

Happy Anniversary!
Congratulations and Happy Anniversary/Birthday to EVERYONE in/on/about Martial Talk!!!

Way to go Bob... who'd thunk it'd get this far and this wide. :uhyeah:
As a member of the current mod team -- Wow! MT today is built on what others started years ago.

And it's members in general that make it a great place, from that guy who's just started lurking today (You know who you are; register and quit lurking!) to Terry and his competitors for post whoring... we all contribute in our own way, and the place wouldn't be the same without all of you!

Hey, don't forget to give us trolls a mention.