Happy 2005 MartialTalk!

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
I did a quick look at where we were last year, where we are now, and WOW! We've grown! :D

We're moving 4x as much traffic, to almost 2x the visitors, and have almost doubled our message/thread count!

Way to go folks! Lets double again in 2005! :D Happy Happy New Year! Whoooo! :D


Jan 3 2004
Posts : 189,359
Threads: 11,903
Members: 2,786*

Trafic: (based on December 2003 stats)
- Total Data Transferred 10.19 gigabytes
- Hits 4,183,462
- Pages Viewed 514,992
- Total Visiting Users 80,143

Jan 1 2005
Posts : 328,726 (+139,367)
Threads: 19,489 (+7,586)
Members: 5,462 (+2,676)*
Trafic: (Based on December 2004 Stats)
- Total Data Transferred 40.56 gigabytes
- Hits 7,045,877
- Pages Viewed 1,206,468
- Total Visiting Users 142,286
*** MartialTalk.com listed as #3 most visited Martial Arts site in Black Belt Magazine 2005 Buyers Guide!

*Member count is signed up members, not active.

WHOOHOO! Congrats Kaith! 2005 will be bigger and better!
Congrats, Kaith! Let's grow it some more!!
Congartulations Bob, and hurray for all of us! Here's to another year of feeding this monster! :drink2tha
Zepp said:
Congartulations Bob, and hurray for all of us! Here's to another year of feeding this monster! :drink2tha
Hip-Hip--Hurray!!! :cheers: :-partyon: :drink2tha :asian: :supcool:

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