Senior Master
I watched the Polish film ‘Hell Hole’ last night and really enjoyed it. It was a bit ‘Angel Heart’ in that the main protagonists is being swept along without really knowing what’s going on, but it’s done well. The ending of this film is excellent - good film endings are a rarity these day. Highly recommended if you like the demoticon
My favourite Halloween film, however, is classic 60s Hammer film, ‘The Devil Rides Out’. Christopher Lee, Charles Gray, Patrick Mower (I sat next to him on a plane once, as a child!) and even Paul Eddington of Yes Minister/The Good Life fame (if you a Brit of a certain age).
Anyone else have any horror film recommendations (preferable on Netflix or Prime)?

My favourite Halloween film, however, is classic 60s Hammer film, ‘The Devil Rides Out’. Christopher Lee, Charles Gray, Patrick Mower (I sat next to him on a plane once, as a child!) and even Paul Eddington of Yes Minister/The Good Life fame (if you a Brit of a certain age).
Anyone else have any horror film recommendations (preferable on Netflix or Prime)?