Had to put down my dog...

...my puppy was as old as I was when I had to put him to sleep...he had a growth that appeared on his stomach that eventually became an abcess...he stopped eating, then he stopped drinking, and eventually stopped walking. so one morning, I walked down to his house, wrapped him in a blanket, picked up him, and walked him to the vet that's a few houses up so he could be put to sleep. he was eight-teen and I was eight-teen...I miss my puppy.
I'd like to add my condolences with those of the others here. Sorry to hear about your dog- I understand how it is- I still look for my cat buddy that we lost this year. He was almost 18 and a true friend. Won't be the same with him this Christmas- he always had to explore all the packages before and after we did!!

Take Care-

:asian: :karate:
I'm so sorry to hear about your dog. They become part of our family and their loss is felt just as deeply. You did a very kind and unselfish thing by putting your dogs ultimate well being above your own feelings.
Upnorth, I empathize with you here. I understand your feeling of loss, and wish you peace in your decision. It was done out of love, I know that, and so does your dog. She loved nobody more than you and your family, and trusted you with all. You did the right thing, and you know that. Much respect for making that choice. She lives on in your memory.



