Guru Stevan Plinck's Big Las Vegas Sera Workshop


Senior Master
Guru Steve Plinck will be having a three day Sera seminar the second weekend of August in 2008. I realize that's a long way off, but he'd like to get the word out early so that interested people can make travel plans.

It's open to Silat players in general and Sera stylists in particular. We don't know everyone who is coming yet, but there will be participants from as far away as Italy and Scandinavia and quite a few from the Americas including (we hope) people like Guru Bob Vannata, Guru Bud Thompson and Guru Cliff Stewart. The schedule and particulars are still being worked out.
LV in August??? At least its not toooo hot then :uhyeah:. I have some friends there that teach BJJ that we visit. Hopefully I'll be able to schedule it at the same time and finally get to see Serak in person. Keep us updated as news comes in.
That's actually one of the reasons it's being held then. August is definitely the cheap season in LV.
Please do. It should be a lot of fun. There's going to be a lot of heavy hitters there, so to speak :) I don't know who else will be teaching, but he says it will give people an idea of the really different way people can use the same material. Considering what he's been teaching lately I expect there will be some real surprises.

And Vegas is lovely that time of year. If you're a cactus :)
Tellner, I will sure try to make it, hopefully I can bring a couple of students, I have let them know that I believe Steven plinck is the best Sera player available who will teach you without stringing you along with piles of BS.

Silatfan, if you havn't had the chance to see Sera then don't miss this one.
Who's all going?
I'm waiting for some last minute money to come through before I commit, unfortunately I have a trip to Seattle at the end of the month to plan *and save* for also.
Well, since it's here in Vegas and I'm friends with one of the organizers, it looks like I'll be showing up.

Well, since it's here in Vegas and I'm friends with one of the organizers, it looks like I'll be showing up.

Hey Frank, sorry we missed you on the 16th, 17th. We all had a blast. I gave Guru Bob your email address (or was it phone #?) - but I think the email address I have for you is bouncing.

Anyhow, we have pics of the event up on our site. Check them out, and for sure we'll be heading to Las Vegas again next year.


Hey Mike,
I'm sorry I missed it. I actually planned on going, then got called to work at the last min. I was p.o.'d, but I needed the coin.
My e-mail should be the same
I tried to find the pics but couldn't find 'em.

Hey Mike,
I'm sorry I missed it. I actually planned on going, then got called to work at the last min. I was p.o.'d, but I needed the coin.
My e-mail should be the same
I tried to find the pics but couldn't find 'em.

Hi Frank, just click on my sig, "American Dutch-Indo Fu" and it takes you to the site. Then just click on the pic and it takes you to all the other ones.

It's a "who's who" gallery from the dark side! It was great that a bunch of people from many corners of our little world got recognition that was loooong overdue. We were all very pleased with the attendance, vibe, and outcome.
