Grocery Store Worker Offers More Than Just A Yogurt Sample

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
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Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free
Anthony Garcia was indicted last week on federal charges for allegedly giving a female shopper a yogurt sample that contained his semen.

According to a police report, the victim told cops Garcia was pushy when offering her the sample. When she tried it, she thought, it tasted "gross and disgusting," noting that it "tasted like semen." A subsequent lab test confirmed her fears, and further DNA testing of samples from Garcia showed it was a match.
didn't we discuss this a while back....along with the merits of certain foods to alter 'the taste' (consumed prior to dispensing the goods)

The of course we need to bring up the New Zealand restauranteur idea of serving shots of equine reproductive fluids, flavored with natural aromas....
There was a case in Kentucky almost a decade ago about some guy chasing women around with a supersoaker. When the cops picked him up, someone decided to test the water in the soaker, and found it to be spiked with the guy's urine. There was no law against it at the time, so he got off :rolleyes: with a simple "disorderly conduct."

One of the first things to come out of the following legislative session was a charge called "assault with bodily fluids." Only in Kentucky!

Erm .. shouldn't this thread go over to the "After Dark" forum?