grip training!


Senior Master
man i love grip training. i have a pair of captain of crush grippers ( which i really like. i also built a wide-grip wrist roller. i took an 8-inch pvc pipe, & cut it down to a couple feet, then drilled a hole through the middle. tied a rope through the hole, then tie a weight plate (i usually use 25lbs) at the other end, & just roll the weight up & down. really kills the forearms. i use the same apparatus for reverse curls sometimes, that way i can hit my grip while working other muscles. then of course i'm always advocating the farmer's walk.

the latest grip exercise i've been doing is with resistance bands. i shut one end in a door, then wrap a towel or rag around the handle to simulate a judo gi. then just pull it over & over till my grip gives.

i think grip training is very important for martial artists, especially grapplers. even without training, a non-grappler can do a lot to interrupt a grappler just by having a strong grip. this guy has some really good, creative grip exercises:

i haven't done much pinch-grip training, but it's fairly popular with the strongman set. here is a guy pinching two 45lbs plates together & lifting them off the floor:

if anyone has any grip training tips or input, i'd love to hear it.

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You could try doing chin ups with a towel hanging over the bar , or just time yourself to see how long you can hang from the towel . That really kills my fingers and forearms .
If you want grip strength, go buy a milk cow. I played college football with a guy who had an insane grip and he said his dad made him milk a dairy cow twice a day for 2 years. That is where his grip came from. Laugh if you want, but it is an old school way of getting it done.