Greetings from an Aspergirl!

Love @Buka's advice - habit is the key, as it patience. Balance does not get corrected/improved with a few sessions per week.
Look for every opportunity to test and improve your balance (safely!).
Also noted - dynamic is more important, but static is the foundation to dynamic.
  • Try putting on socks by balancing on the other foot (start by resting against something, then having it there for recovey)
  • Same with tying your shoes
  • Try balancing on a beam (a 2x4 on the ground - not a high one, that way the risk is at most a twisted ankle)
    • Walk along the beam
    • Hop along it (you can alternate the landing foot)
    • Stand on it while practicing various kicks (not on the center line, kick left, right and back once you have the basics down)
  • Look for other opportunities in your daily activity - challenge yourself to balance instead of taking an easier path
Alway be mindful that you do not need height to develop balance, just focus and/or a restricted support.

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