Greetings Everyone!


I'm so happy to have found such a large group of martial artists. I've been a martial artist for over 16 years with experience (formal and informal training) in a wide variety of martial arts, but I'm a lover of all martial arts. Kudos to those who started this forum!

I am currently making a professional transition in my life from a steelworker to a marketing consultant for martial art instructors, coaches, and school owners/ operators. I have been a part-time marketing consultant and advertising copywriter for the last two years as well, and I've experienced more success and helped others business owners experience more success than could ever be possible with me working as a steelworker the rest of my life. So marketing is what I'm sticking with for a profession!

I have a new marketing system under developmentment for martial art teachers and coaches, from all styles and disciplines, and I do consulting on how to get more students, faster, with a focus on student retention.

I just love martial arts so much and since I can't compete right now (due to some rather unfortunate injuries) so I figured I'd stay involved in another way!

Glad to meet everyone. Feel free to contact me for any questions or comments.

Best of Life,

Ronnie Brown
Author, Seeds of Greatness

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