Greeting from Seoul, Korea!


White Belt
I'm Sungbook Bae, living in Seoul, Korea.

I'm practicing Hapki-do, holding 7th Dan. I was a former director of Korea Hapkido Federation from 2002 to 2004. During that time I met lots of respectable martial artists all around the world. Unforgettalbe good memories.

I'm also practicing Kum-do(Ken-do), holding 3rd Dan. I'm loving this martial arts as much as Hapki-do.

I'm trying to recognize these martial arts not just as arts but as Taoism. So I prefer using terms like Martial-Tao.

Hoping this martialtalk-site be a good milieu for martial taoists.

Thank you,

Sungbook Bae
Hapkido Master
Greetings, rockstream, and welcome to MT---good to have you with us. It's great to have another experienced KMA person on the board!
Welcome, and happy posting! :wavey: It sounds like you have wonderful experience to share, and I look forward to hearing more from you.
Greetings and welcome to MT!

I have two questions: is Sungbook your family name or Bae? (Wondering if you switched it around for us or not).

Second, who was your instructor and which HKD school did you train at?
It's very nice to have you here, rockstream!

I look forward to hearing from you in the Hapkido section. :ultracool
Welcome to MT. I am living in Gunsan and studying Tand Soo Do with Master Choe, Ki Un.

It is good to have someone else from Korea here!

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