Green shirts vs. enviro-extremists, too good...


Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
So you have Obama handing out money to green energy companies that close their doors the next day, or close to it, and now you have enviro-extremists fighting against putting up solar panels...

Desert activists vigorously oppose the BrightSource Energy project in the east Mojave’s Ivanpah Valley and NextEra’s Genesis solar plant 20 miles west of Blythe. National groups have not mounted a strong challenge to either project.
When BrightSource was planning the Ivanpah installation, the big environmental players urged the firm to move the bulk of the project closer to Interstate 5 to avoid prime habitat for the desert tortoise, a protected species. The company responded by reducing its total footprint by 12%, which didn’t solve the problem.
After construction began, large numbers of desert tortoises were discovered. According to federal biologists, BrightSource is now responsible for relocating and caring for 95% of all the tortoises expected to be found on all solar project sites in the Mojave.
Some rank-and-file Sierra Club members had wanted to sue to stop the project altogether, but the group’s national board of directors vetoed that proposal in favor of a more neutral approach. …
On the Genesis project, the Sierra Club and others met with NextEra executives and urged the company to abandon its plans for the site out of concern that it is too close to a wilderness area. In addition, local groups warned the developer that the site contained sensitive cultural resources.
The project went ahead, only to become embroiled in controversy over the discovery of Native American cultural artifacts that halted construction on one-fifth of the site.
The in-fighting between local and national environmentalists, between those whose priority is protecting a desert close to home and those whose priority is fostering solar development across the country, is instructive. The local environmentalists tell us all we need to know about major environmentalist groups. Appropriately, locals call the national groups “Gang Green” — and they do seem to bully littler environmentalists around. Gang Green says it’s willing to “sacrifice the desert to save the world” — i.e. preserving the desert should take a back seat to halting the effects of climate change — but it also just so happens that grants for projects focusing on climate change and energy have become the top-two funded issues in environmental philanthropy. Major groups like the Sierra Club flat-out can’t afford to care about the desert. They have to remain inviting to major foundations.
So you have Obama handing out money to green energy companies that close their doors the next day, or close to it, and now you have enviro-extremists fighting against putting up solar panels...

Why I remain not a fan of the sissy enviro-freaks. There is nothing that can ever be done that will please them, so screw 'em. I'll go spray a big can of Lysol in the air, stir up some global warming. They can line up to kiss my big ***.
Why I remain not a fan of the sissy enviro-freaks. There is nothing that can ever be done that will please them, so screw 'em. I'll go spray a big can of Lysol in the air, stir up some global warming. They can line up to kiss my big ***.

Quit feeding Troll billi.

Newsflash...there are enough other companies that open doors on tax payer dime that don't see the first anniversary.

And believe it or not, green, I mean environment is a growing business factor around the globe. One does not need to be a hippie, business sense is sufficient.

if so inclined, a person can get rich by cleaning up other people's messes.
Quit feeding Troll billi.

Newsflash...there are enough other companies that open doors on tax payer dime that don't see the first anniversary.

And believe it or not, green, I mean environment is a growing business factor around the globe. One does not need to be a hippie, business sense is sufficient.

if so inclined, a person can get rich by cleaning up other people's messes.

All true.

It is also true that if you want to build a nuclear power plant, the greenies freak out.
So you decide to build a coal-burning planing and the greenies freak out.
So you decide to build a hydroelectric plant, and the greenies freak out.
So you decide to go a windmill and yep, you got it, the greenies freak out (birds of prey fly into the rotors, you see).
So you decide to put up a solar array and once more, (sigh) the greenies freak out (oh, you're destroying the habitat of the rare desert tortoise).

End result? No matter what you do, the greenies freak out. So to hell with the greenies. They cannot be pleased, it's not possible. They hate everything, hate the world, hate humanity. Let them go starve in a cave or whatever it is they think they need to do to apologize to Gaia for having infested the planet with humans, but let them do it alone. I'm not interested in their self-loathing games.
So they are no different than billi:
Try to get every person in the nation covered under health insurance, billi freaks out.
Have student's protest ever rising cost of tuition, billi freaks out.
have women argue for BC being covered by HC providers, billi freaks out....
Having anybody say anything good about Obama, he freaks out.
Have anybody say anything bad about Palin....well you get the point.

Aside from the ever increasing polarization of the nation on nearly anything, get stuff worked out right before startring the process of introducing it to the people, and then be the first to tell them.

of course, like billi, there are people who just don't want to care: Dumping their used oil in the back yard, keep on driving big cars (and then getting upset because the people on the gulf shores object to having oil spills...). Going green in a personal insult to them.
Don't forget I steal candy from babies, kick puppies and kittens and tip under 2%, and that is when I'm in a good mood...

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