Great Scam... anyone else get this?


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
I just gotten this e-mail... sheesh!
So basically I reckon, call the "lawyer" and he'll get your account number to deposit the million five into it... yeaahhh rrriiiggghhhttt!
Ever thought about giving them a bogus account number and see what happens?? :D
Dear Friend,
My name is Mrs. susan patrick I am a dying woman who have
decided to donate what I have to you/ church. I am 59 years old and I
was diagnosed for cancer for about 2 years ago, immediately after the
death of my husband, who has left me everything he worked for.
I have
been touched by God to donate from what I have inherited from my late
husband to the you for the good work of God,rather than allow my
relatives to use my husband hard earned funds ungodly.Please pray,that
the good Lord forgive me my sins.I have asked God to forgive me and i
beleive he has because He is a merciful God. I will be going in for an
operation in less than twenty four hours.
I decided to WILL/donate the
sum of $1,500,000 (One million five hundred thousand dollars) to you
for the good work of the lord, and also to help the motherless and less
privilege and also for the assistance of the widows.
At the moment I
cannot take any telephone calls right now due to the fact that my
relatives are around me and my health status.I have adjusted my WILL
and my lawyer is aware I have changed my will you and he will arrange
the transfer of the funds from my account to you.I wish you all the
best and may the good Lord bless you abundantly, and please use the
funds well and always extend the good work to others.
Contact my
lawyer with this specified email:{ [email protected]}
and tell him
that I have WILLED ($1,500,000.00) to you by quoting my personal
reference number Law/chamber/solicitors/je/ws/WILL/6134510013 and I
have also notified him that I am WILLING that amount to you for a
specific and good work.I know I dont know you but I have been directed
to do this.Thanks and God bless.
NB: I will appreciate your utmost
confidentiality in this matter until the task is accomplished as I
don't want anything that will Jeopardize my last wish. And Also I will
be contacting with you by email as I don't want my relation or anybody
to know because they are always around me.

Mrs. susan
MA-Caver said:
I just gotten this e-mail... sheesh!
So basically I reckon, call the "lawyer" and he'll get your account number to deposit the million five into it... yeaahhh rrriiiggghhhttt!
Ever thought about giving them a bogus account number and see what happens?? :D

I've been seeing variations of that for a long, long time.

Another one that's bugging me a lot is on where people who supposedly grew up in the US and for some screwed up reason went to NIGERIA to attend school and build a career. Now they "want for to come living in Fairfield, California" They don't even speak proper English, who falls for this crap? Anyhow, they negotiate the place with you, overpay you with a counterfeit money order, then ask you to refund what they overpaid.
I get one of those about every other week. Can't believe people are still falling for that one.

All I can say is... I love a good spam filter! Actually, my email is through Google's gmail, and they have a great spam filter, so I've managed to not see any of these for about 6 months - yay!
At least your scammers are nice to you.

One recent scam e-mail claimed that I was targeted for assassination by some oddball group, and that the sender of the e-mail could negotiate getting my name off the list for a tidy sum of 40,000 US Dollars.
Grenadier said:
At least your scammers are nice to you.

One recent scam e-mail claimed that I was targeted for assassination by some oddball group, and that the sender of the e-mail could negotiate getting my name off the list for a tidy sum of 40,000 US Dollars.

And I strongly suggest you hurry up, we grow impatient. :snipe:
Shaolinwind said:
And I strongly suggest you hurry up, we grow impatient. :snipe:


I have to stop drinking things when I'm near my monitor. Yesterday, I lost a mouthful of coffee to my work monitor, and you almost made me lose my latest quaff of George Dickel's #8 whisky!
Shaolinwind said:
And I strongly suggest you hurry up, we grow impatient. :snipe:


I have received these emails as well. I average about one a month. But I have never received one saying I have been targeted for assassination. That is crazy...
That is crazy... those assassination threats (warnings) could be reported and good ole' homeland might track these jokers down and nab them... that is... if they're in the continential U.S. or on U.S. soil.
I wonder how many poor idjits actually fell for this particular one? geez!

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