Shihan Kathy and I just got back from a seminar (the original forms of Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu) put on by Grandmaster S. George Pesare with the assistance of Grandmaster Marc Ayotte in Reading, Ma. sponsored by Shihans Bob Nohelty and Jimmy Bryant of Masters Self Defense Centers. Gm. Pesare brought tapes he had transferred from 8mm to VCR. They go back to circa. 1960 while he was training in California and later in Rhode Island. Some were taken in Bill Ryusaki's back yard. Gm. Pesare demonstrated the forms, combinations, plus one, two and three man sparring of the Karazenpo system. All contact on techniques were with 60 per cent power. Talk about contact! It showed Mr. Pesare wearing a white belt doing techniques, fighting, breaking, kata that looked much better than many high ranking black belts I've seen today and over the years. His movements were crisp, extremely fast, powerful, accurate and had that great Kajukenbo/Kempo flow. Some techniques were improvised on the spot and showed no hestitation. Ground followups (groundwork) was also emphasized. An added bonus was Nick Cerio and George Pesare pairing off with each other when Mr. Cerio was a student of Mr. Pesare. The tapes spanned a period of time and you could see Professor Cerio get better and better as the tape went on. Gm. Pesare had the kicks of a Korean fighter coupled to the ultra-fast kempo hands with judo throws and takedowns and powerful breaking demonstrations. I believe Gm. Pesare stated the film is available to anyone who'd like to see it. I think he said he didn't mind anyone having a copy if they requested but I will double check that. A great tape that makes you appreciate the dedication, talent and toughness of these early pioneers. Like he told the group, he made the tape not ever imagining how important it would be over four decades later!